GATE - The Pattern
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Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 1:19pm
Topic: GATE - The Pattern
Posted By: krishna
Subject: GATE - The Pattern
Date Posted: 03Apr2007 at 11:36pm
Each question will have
four choices for the answer. Only one choice is correct.
Wrong answers carry 25%
negative marks in Q1 to Q80 and Q81a, 82a, 83a, 84a and 85a. Marks for
correct answers to Q81b, 82b, 83b, 84b and 85b will be given only if the
answer to the corresponding part 'a' is correct. However, Q81b, 82b, 83b,
84b and 85b will not carry any negative marks.
Papers bearing the code
AG, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, IT, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF will contain questions
on Engineering Mathematics to the extent of 20 to 25 marks.
The multiple choice
objective test questions can be of the following type:
Each choice
containing a single stand-alone statement/phrase/data.
Q. The time independent Schrodinger equation of a system represents
the conservation of the
total binding
energy of the system
total potential
energy of the system
total kinetic
energy of the system
total energy of
the system
Each choice
containing a combination of option codes.
The question may be accompanied by four options P,
Q, R, S and the choices may be a combination of these options. The
candidate has to choose the right combination as the correct answer.
Q. The infra-red stretching frequency νco of
(P) Mn(CO)6+ (Q) CO
(R) H3B←CO
(S) [V(CO)6]-
the order
type with the choices stating if [a]/[r] are True/False and/or
stating if [r] is correct/incorrect reasoning of [a]
Q. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion
[a] and the Reason [r]
Assertion: For a fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe
the average velocity is one half of the maximum velocity.
Reason: The velocity for a fully developed laminar flow in a
circular pipe varies linearly in the radial direction.
Both [a] and [r]
are true and [r] is the correct reason for [a]
Both [a] and [r]
are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [a]
Both [a] and [r]
are false
[a] is true but
[r] is false
Match items:
Match all items in Column 1 with correct options from those given in
Column 2 and choose the correct set of combinations from the choices
A, B, C and D.
Q. Match the following and choose the correct combination
Andhra Pradesh
West Bengal
Tamil Nadu
P - 1
P - 5
P - 5
P - 4
Q - 6
Q - 4
Q - 4
Q - 5
R - 4
R - 3
R - 6
R - 6
S - 5
S - 2
S - 2
S - 2
Common data based
questions: Multiple questions may be linked to a common problem
data, passage and the like. Two or three questions can be formed from
the given common problem data. Each question is independent and its
solution obtainable from the above problem data/passage directly.
(Answer of the previous question is not required to solve the next
question). Each question under this group will carry two marks.
Common data for Q. 78,79,80: The gas phase reaction, 2P + 4Q
→ 2R which is first order in P and first order in Q is to be
carried out isothermally in a plug flow reactor. The entering
volumetric flow rate is 2.5 dm3/min and the feed is
equimolar in P and Q. The entering temperature and pressure are 727oC
and 10 atm respectively. The specific reaction rate at this
temperature is 4 dm3/gmol min and the activation energy is
15,000 cal/gmol.
Q.78. What is the volumetric flow rate in dm3/min when the
conversion of P is 25%?
(A) 1.88 (B)
5.40 (C) 7.10 (D)
Q.79. What is the rate of reaction in gmol/(dm3
min) when the conversion of P is 40%
(A) 1.82 x 103 (B)
4.95 x 10-3 (C) 6.2 x 10-3 (D)
9.73 x 103
Q.80. What is the value of the specific reaction rate constant
in dm3/gmol min at 1227oC?
(A) 17.68
(B) 22.32 (C)
49.60 (D) 59.75
Linked answers
question: The question will consist of a problem statement
followed by two sub-questions (a) and (b) based on the problem
statement. The solution to part (b) depends upon the answer to part
(a). Each part (a) as well as (b) in such linked answer questions will
carry two marks.
Statement for linked answer Q. 81a & 81b: A reversible
Carnot engine operates between the actual heat input temperature of
1000 K and actual heat rejection temperature of 250 K. The ambient
temperature is 200 K.
Q.81a The efficiency of this engine will be
A) 5% (B)
20% (C) 25% (D)
Q.81b The above engine is to provide the power output of 100 kW.
The heat input required will be
(A) 133.33 kW (B)
400 kW (C) 500 kW (D)
2000 kW
In the above simplistic example, the calculation of heat input
in Q.81b requires the value of efficiency calculated in Q.81a as
the first step.