FAQs about Ordering GateGenie GATE 2007 Test Seri
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Topic: FAQs about Ordering GateGenie GATE 2007 Test Seri
Posted By: ruma
Subject: FAQs about Ordering GateGenie GATE 2007 Test Seri
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 1:51am
Q. How could I avail GateGenie GATE 2007 practice test series?
The http://www.gategenie.com/order.php - details about obtaining GateGenie
GATE 2007 practice test series are can be found here.
Q. How do I register for GateGenie GATE 2007 practice test series
GATE 2007 aspirants can register with GateGenie by filling the
http://www.gategenie.com/register.php - registration form . We
recommend to enter correct email address as all the future
communication will be donw via email. Also please enter
you correct mailing adrees with pincode to ensure faster
and proper delivery of GateGenie GATE 2007 test series book.
Q. What is the price of GateGenie GATE 2007 practice test series
GateGenie GATE 2007 practice test series book is available at
Rs. 250.
Q. How could I pay the amount to get my GATE 2007 practice test
series book?
You could pay your amount in the following ways:
1. Drop an account payee cheque of Rs 250 favouring
Optimystic Technologies A/c
No. 002005004518 in any ICICI branch/ATM
across India. This is the most preferred and
convenient mode of payment.
2. Draw an account payee Demand Draft of Rs. 250
favouring Optimystic Technologies
payable at Mumbai
and post it to:
Optimystic Technologies,
Type-IV, 6/32, R.C.F. Colony,
Chembur, Mumbai - 400 074.
Q. How will GateGenie come to know about my payment in ICICI
We keep track of cheques received in our account. Once you
deposit your cheque with ICICI bank, please email us the
following details to
[email protected]:
i. Your name
ii. Cheque Number
iii. ICICI Bank brach where you deposited the cheque
Upon receiving the payment, we immediately send the book to your
mailing address, which you could receive within 8 days.
Q. How long does it take to get book delivery after payment?
Upon receiving the payment, we immediately send the book to your
mailing address by courier or speed post, which you could receive
within 8 days.