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best book in chemistry

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Forum Name: Books
Forum Discription: Books which might be the good ones for different GATE topics.
Printed Date: 15Mar2025 at 4:53pm

Topic: best book in chemistry
Posted By: renu123
Subject: best book in chemistry
Date Posted: 13Aug2007 at 10:39pm
please recommend me the best book in chemistry
yes-all the three-physical,organic,inorganic should be there
and i am in delhi
u would be more then helping if u give me some bookstores here in delhi selling those books u recommend
thanking u in advance

Posted By: kanthi_swasthik
Date Posted: 13Aug2007 at 11:16pm
Hellow renu,
          You can get the complete address of various book stores just by visiting the site "".I have just seen this site for your sake and the navigation can also be done easily.
          Please note that every author(ofcourse some not)tries his best to give every reader an ultimate knowledge in the subject but the way you receive the subject determines!So instead of going on others advise(as they suggest you what they have seen so far and what they like)checkout your self various books from your library,friends,teachers........May be it is time taking but a good decision.I suugest you some books soon contacting the online counselors.All the very best.


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