Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials and their applications; effect of strain, strain rate and temperature on mechanical properties of metals and alloys; heat treatment of metals and alloys, its influence on mechanical properties.
Applied Mechanics: Engineering mechanics - equivalent force systems, free body concepts, equations of equilibrium; strength of materials - stress, strain and their relationship, Mohr’s circle, deflection of beams, bending and shear stress, Euler’s theory of columns.
Theory of Machines and Design: Analysis of planar mechanisms, cams and followers; governers and fly wheels; design of elements - failure theories; design of bolted, riveted and welded joints; design of shafts, keys, spur gears, belt drives, brakes and clutches.
Thermal Engineering: Fluid mechanics - fluid statics, Bernoulli’s equation, flow through pipes, equations of continuity and momentum; thermodynamics - zeroth, first and second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamic system and processes, calculation of work and heat for systems and control volumes; air standard cycles; basics of internal combustion engines and steam turbines; heat transfer - fundamentals of conduction, convection and radiation, heat exchangers.