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GATE -2001 Civil Engg paper

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Topic: GATE -2001 Civil Engg paper
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: GATE -2001 Civil Engg paper
Date Posted: 05Jan2007 at 4:28pm

1.16. In the Bernoulli equation. used in pipe flow. each term represents

(a) Energy per unit weight (b) Energy per unit mass

(c) Energy per unit volume (d) Energy per unit flow length


1.17. The stage-discharge relation in a river during the passage of flood is measured. If q f is the discharge at the stage when water surface is falling and q r is the discharge at the same stage when water surface is rising, then

(a) q f= q r (b) q f < q r

(c) q f > q r (d) = constant for all stages

1.18. lsopleths are lines on a map through points having equal depth of

(a) Rainfall (b) Infiltration

(c) Evapotranspiration (d) Total runoff


1.19. A linear reservoir is one in which

(a) Storage varies linearly with time

(b) Storage varies linearly with outflow rate

(c) Storage varies linearly with inflow rate

(d) Storage varies linearly with elevation


1.20. Aeration of water is done to remove

(a) Suspended Impurities (b) Colour

(c) Dissolved Salts (d) Dissolved Gases


1.21. The following chemical is used for coagulation.

(a) Ammonium Chloride. (b) Aluminium Chloride.

(c) Aluminium Sulphate. (d) Copper Sulphate.


1.22. The unit in which both sedimentation and digestion processes of sludge take place simultaneously is

(a) Skimming Tank (b) Imhoff Tank

(c) Detritus Tank (d) Digestion Tank


1.23. The design value of lateral friction coefficient on highway is

(a) 1.5 (b) 0.50

(c) 0.35 (d) 0.15

1.24. Camber on highway pavement is provided to take care of

(a) Centrifugal Force. (b) Drainage.

(c) Sight Distance (d) Off-Tracking.


1.25 The minimum value of CBR (%) required for granular sub-base as per Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) specification is

(a) 5 (b) 10

(c) 15 (d) 20

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