Placement Details M Tech Batch 2004-2006
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Topic: Placement Details M Tech Batch 2004-2006
Posted By: vaishnavi
Subject: Placement Details M Tech Batch 2004-2006
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 10:17pm
Placement Details M Tech Batch 2004-2006
College/Company No of students Domain Type Pkg(LPA)
Agere Systems 1 VLSI OFC 5.5
Atrenta 1 VLSI OFC 5.5
Cadence 1 VLSI LO 6.85
DGB Micro 3 DSP OFC 3.00
Interra IT 1 S/W ONC 3.5
Infosys 2 S/W ONC 2.2,2.7*
Mind Tree 11 VLSI,S/W ONC 3.00,3.75*
National Semiconductors1 VLSI OFC 5.5
Open Silicon 1 VLSI OFC 4.75
Persistent Systems 2 S/W ONC 3.5,4.3*
Qualcore Logic 1 VLSI OFC 3.00
Reliance Infocomm 18 RFDesign,SW ONC 2.75,3.5*
ST Microelectronics 2 VLSI,Embedded ONC 5.5
Texas Instruments 2 VLSI ONC 5.5
TCS 2 SW ONC 2.56
Virage Logic 3 VLSI OFC 5.2
IISc Bangalore 1 PhD(DSP)
IIT Bombay 2 PhD(DSP)PhD(VLSI)
North Carolina State University1 PhD(CS)
*means revised packages that have been revised by the
company for the placed batch 2006 or have been the offered package for batch graduating in 2007.
Batch Strength: 35
ONC : ON Campus Recruitment
OFC : OFF Campus Recruitment
LO : Lateral Offer