Que. 1 A long speciman of p type semiconductor material A is +ively charged B is electrically neutral C has an electric field directed along its length D acts as a dipole
Que. 2 Acceptor impurity atoms in Si result in A increase forbidden gap B reduced forbidden gap C new discreate energy level slightly below conduction leval D new discreate energy leval slightly above conduction level
Que. 3 in any conductor hall voltage V(H) is proportional to A B B B^2 C 1/B D 1/B^2
Que. 4 In BJT with I(infinite)=1 micro.A, a=0.99,the value of I(CEO) is A 0.01 micro.A B 0.001 micro.A C 1 micro.A D 1000 micro.A
Que. 5 The current gain of a BJT is A g(m)*r(o) B g(m)/r(o) C g(m)*r(pi) D g(m)/r(pi)
Que. 6 The velocity of the holes in the n region at X=0 A 12*10^3 cm/sec B 5*10^3 cm/sec C 2*10^4 cm/sec D none of these
Que. 7 The spectral dencity of pink noise varies as A 1/f^2 B f^2 C 1/f D f
Que. 8 zener diode is used as a A current regulator B voltage booster C voltage regulator D power regulator
Que. 9 three phase half wave rectification,if the input frequency is 50hz then output frequency is A 100 hz B 150hz C 75hz D 25hz
Que. 10 For getting low regulated voltages are used A zeners B SCR C transistor D chopper
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