1. This question consists of 27 (Twenty Seven) multiple-choice type
sub-questions each carrying one mark. The answers to the multiple
choice questions MUST be written only in the boxes corresponding to the
question number by writing A, B, C or D in the answer book. (27 x 1 = 27)
1.1. If A, B, C are square matrices of the same order, (ABC) -l is equal to
- C -l A -1 B -1
- C -l B -1 A -1
- A -1 B -1 C -l
- A -1 C -l B -1
1.2. The following integral lim a ® ¥ 
(a) Diverges (b) Converges to 
(c) Converges to (d) Converges to 0
1.3. A function with a period 2 is shown below

The Fourier series for this function is given by
(a) .
1.4. Consider the following two statements:
I. The maximum number of linearly independent column vectors of a matrix A is called the rank of A.
II. If A is an n x n square matrix, it will be nonsingular if rank A =
n. With reference to the above statements, which of the following
(a) Both the statements are false. (b) Both the statements are true.
(c) I is true but II is false. (d) I is false but II is true.
1.5. The dimensions for the flexural rigidity of a beam element in mass (M), length (L) and time (T) is given by
(c) ML -lT -2 (d) ML -l T 2
1.6. A two span beam with an internal hinge is shown below.

The conjugate beam corresponding to this beam is

1.7. Pick the incorrect statement from the following four statements:
- On the plane which carries maximum normal stress, the shear stress is zero.
- Principal planes are mutually orthogonal.
- On the plane which carries maximum shear stress, the normal stress is zero.
- The principal stress axes and principal strain axes coincide for an isotropic material.
1.8. A frame ABCD is supported by a roller at A and is on a hinge at C as shown below:

The reaction at the roller end A is given by
(a) P (b) 2 P
(c) P/2 (d) Zero.
1.9. The following two statements are made with reference to a simply supported under-reinforced RCC beam:
I. Failure takes place by crushing of concrete before the steel has yielded.
II. The neutral axis moves up as the load is increased.
With reference to the above statements, which of the following applies?
- Both the statements are false.
- I is true but II is false.
- Both the statements are true.
- I is false but II is true.
1.10. The stress-strain diagram for two materials A and B is shown below:

The following statements are made based on this diagram:
(I) Material A is more brittle than material B.
(II) The ultimate strength of material B is more than that of A.
With reference to the above statements, which of the following applies?
- Both the statements are false. (b) Both the statements are true.
(c) I is true but II is false. (d) I is false but II is true.
1.11. Four column of the same material and having identical geometric properties
are supported in different ways as shown below:

It is required to order these four beams in the increasing order of
their respective first buckling loads. The correct order is given by
(a) I, II, III, IV (b) III, IV, I, II
(c) II, I, IV, III (d) I, II, IV, III
1.12. A soil sample has a void ratio of 0.5 and its porosity will be close to
1.13. A borrow pit soil has a dry density of 17 kN/m 3. How many cubic
meters of this soil will be required to construct an embankment of 100
m 3 volume with a dry density of 16 kN/m 3.
(a) 94 m 3 (b) 106 m 3
(c) 100 m 3 (d) 90 m 3
1.14. The group efficiency of a pile group
(a) will be always less than 100%.
(b) will be always greater than 100%
(c) may be less than 100% or more than 100%.
(d) will be more than 100% for pile groups in cohesion less soils and less than 100% for those in cohesive soils.
1.15. The two criteria for the determination of allowable bearing capacity of a foundation are
(a) tensile failure and compression failure.
(b) tensile failure and settlement.
(c) bond failure and shear failure.
(d) shear failure and settlement.
1.16. If duty (D) is 1428 hectares/cumec and base period (B) is 120 days for an irrigated
crop, then delta ( D ) in meters is given by
(a) 102.8 (b) 0.73
(c) 1.38 (d) 0.01
1.17. The relation that must hold for the flow to be irrotational is
(a) (b) 
(c) (d) 
1.18. Cavitation is caused by
(a) high velocity (b) low pressure
(c) high pressure (d) high temperature
1.19. If the pump head is 15m, discharge is 0.464 m 3/s and the motor
speed is 1440 rpm at rated condition, the specific-speed of the pump is
(a) 4 (b) 26
(c) 38 (d) 1440
1.20. The BOD removal efficiency, in percentage, during primary treatment, under normal conditions is about
(a) 65% (b) 85%
(c) 30% (d) Zero
1.21. Critical factors for the activated sludge treatment process are
(a) maximum hourly flow rate.
(b) maximum and minimum flow rate.
(c) maximum hourly flow rate and maximum daily organic load.
(d) minimum hourly flow rate and minimum daily organic load.
1.22. Use of coagulants such as alum
(a) results in reduction of pH of the treated water.
(b) results in increase of pH of the treated water.
(c) results in no change in pH of the treated water.
(d) may cause an increase or decrease of pH of the treated water.
1.23. The disinfection efficiency of chlorine in water treatment
(a) is not dependent on pH value.
(b) is increase by increased pH value.
(c) remains constant at all pH values.
(d) is reduced by increased pH value.
1.24. The standard plate size in a plate bearing test for finding modulus of subgrade reaction (k) value is
- 100 cm diameter
- 50 cm diameter
- 75 cm diameter
- 25 cm diameter
1.25. Width of carriageway for a single lane is recommended to be
(a) 7.5 m (b) 7.0 m
(c) 3.75 m (d) 5.5 m
1.26. Stopping sight distance is the minimum distance available on a highway which is the
(a) distance of sufficient length to stop the vehicle without collision.
(b) distance visible to a driver during night driving.
(c) height of the object above the road surface.
(d) distance equal to the height of the driver's eye above the road surface.
1.27. Bituminous materials are commonly use in highway construction because of their good
(a) tensile and compression properties.
(b) binding and water proofing properties.
(c) shear strength and tensile properties.
(d) bond and tensile properties.
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