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ECE - test-09 : doubts - Plz clear them

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Topic: ECE - test-09 : doubts - Plz clear them
Posted By: manju
Subject: ECE - test-09 : doubts - Plz clear them
Date Posted: 23Feb2007 at 12:37pm
 Hi everybody,
here are my doubts...

Q27) I'm getting 15 ohm as answer (not there in answer choices). Is that right?

Q29) The fig shows a current source (note the arrow within the circle) labelled as 4V... what is the correct question and the correct answer?

Q30) How to solve this question? (effective resistance)

Q34) I didnt understand the question. Can anybody plz help me? If we want the output to be high (1) when when the four-bit input is even then we need only see the LSB. So the answer should be D'. Isn't it?

Q50) I'm getting answer(B) -solving from definition of Fourier transform. But the answer-key says (D). Which is correct?

Q54) Is there any formula to find out sum of squares of fourier coefficients. Similar situation is seen in Q81 as well.

Q61) In the answer choices... what is the function Q??

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