Section is of 50 marks. Each section will be fully objective type and
the questions are divided into three groups.
(i) Group
I: Question Numbers 1 to 6 (6 questions) will carry one mark each
(subtotal 6 marks).
(ii) Group II:
Question Numbers 7 to 24 (18 questions) will carry two marks each (subtotal
36 marks). Out of this, Q.23 and Q.24 may be common data based questions.
(iii) Group III:
Question Numbers 25 to 28 (4 questions) will carry two marks each. These
questions are called linked answer questions. These 4 questions comprise
two pairs of questions (25, 26 and 27, 28). The solution to the
second question of each pair (e.g. Q.26) will be linked to the correct
answer to the first one (e.g. Q.25) in the pair (subtotal 8 marks).
All questions
have four choices with only one being correct.
answers carry 25% negative marks. In Q.1 to Q.6 of each section, 0.25 mark will be deducted for each
wrong answer and in Q.7 to Q.25 and Q.27, 0.5
mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. If the first question in
the linked pair is wrong, then the second question in the pair will not
be evaluated. However, there is no negative marking for the linked answer questions Q.26 and
The pattern
of multiple-choice questions is the same as described for the main papers