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Gate 2006 and 2005 Questions

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Topic: Gate 2006 and 2005 Questions
Posted By: Adhiti
Subject: Gate 2006 and 2005 Questions
Date Posted: 02Feb2007 at 11:32am
Gate 2006

Que - 59 Consider the following translation scheme.

S -> ER

R -> *E{print('*');}R | ABSYLON

E -> F + E {print('+');} | F

F -> (S) | id {print(id.value);}

Here id is a token that represants an integer and id.value represents the corresponding integer

value. For an input '2*3+4', this transaction scheme prints

A) 2*3+4 B)2*+34 c) 23*4+ D) 234+*

Here I am unable to understand how to parse this string and what will be answer ??

Q - 37 dont know how to solve the question ??

Gate 2005

Que - 64

Here figure cant draw pls see question paper.

The flip flop are +ve edge triggered D flip flop.Each state is designated as a 2 bit string Q0

Q1. Let the initial state be 00. the state transition sequence is

a) 00 -> 11 -> 01 b) 00 -> 11
c) 00 -> 10 -> 01 -> 11 d) 00 -> 11 -> 01 -> 10

I cant understand how to solve this types of question ????? Rolling Eyes Question

Posted By: Alok
Date Posted: 02Feb2007 at 3:57pm
for Q 37
initial q0q1q2 are 000
input data is 100110000
look at the figure. When we apply 1 as input q0 becomes 1

so next state is 100
in next clock cycle 0 is apply as input so q0 becomes 0. At the same time q2 XOR q0 which is 0 XOR 1 produces 1 and get applied to 2nd D-FF. so q1 becomes 1

now q0q1q2 becomes 010

so we can conclude that

next state of q0 is input applied
next state q1 = previous state of q0 XOR previous state of q2
next state q2 = previous state of q1

following the same way we get


So ns is (c)

correct if wrong !

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