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Q from 2004

Printed From: One Stop GATE
Category: GATE Technical Discussions
Forum Name: GATE CS
Forum Discription: General Technical Discussions, Queries, doubts etc. for GATE in CS.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 6:19am

Topic: Q from 2004
Posted By: manju
Subject: Q from 2004
Date Posted: 22Feb2007 at 2:19pm
Q 39. 2 matrices M1 and M2 stored in arrays A and B. Each array cud be eithr in row major or column major in contigous memory locations. Time complexity of an lago to M1 * M2 will b...

I think ans is : D : Independent of storage scheme. The time reqd to ACCESS doesnt get counted under time complexity I suppose..

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