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2000- year EE GATE Paper

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Topic: 2000- year EE GATE Paper
Posted By: Arpita
Subject: 2000- year EE GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 10:39am

1.  An electron with velocity u is placed in an electric field E and magnetic field B. the force experienced by the electron is given by  
  (a)  -eE  (b)  -eu × B  (c)  -e(u×E+B)  (d) -e(E+u×B)
2.  Which one of the following is not a vectored interrupt?
 (a)  TRAP  (b)  INTR  (c)  RST7.5  (d) RST3
3.  The type of power amplifier which exhibits crossover distortion in its output is
 (a)  Class A  (b)  Class B  (c)  Class AB  (d) Class C
 4.  A 3-phase, 4-pole squirrel cage induction motor has 36 stator and 28 rotor slots.
The number of phases in the rotor is:
  (a)  3  (b)  9  (c)  7  (d) 8
5.  The compensating winding in a dc machine
 (a)  is located in armature slots for compensation of the armature reaction  
 (b)  is located on commutating poles for improving the commutation
 (c)  is located on pole shoes for avoiding the flashover at the commutator surface
 (d)  is located on poles shoes to avoid the sparking at the brushes.
6.  In  a  constant  voltage  transformer  (CVT),  the  output  voltage  remains  constant
due to
  (a)  capacitor      (b)  input inductor  
 (c)  saturation      (d)  tapped windings
7.  The phase sequence of a three-phase alternator will reverse if
 (a)  the field current is reversed keeping the direction of rotation same
 (b)  the field current remains the same but the direction of rotation is reversed
 (c)  the field current is reversed and the number of poles is doubled  
 (d)  the number of poles is doubled without reversing the field current
8.  A 1.8° step,  4-phase  stepper  motor has a total  of  40  teeth on 8  poles of stator.
The number of rotor teeth for this motor will be
  (a)  40  (b)  50  (c)  100  (d) 80
9.   In  a  thermal  power  plant,  the  feed  water  coming  to  the  economizer  is  heated
  (a)  H.P. steam      (b)  L.P. steam
 (c)  direct heat in the furnace  (d)  flue gases
10.  For  given  base  voltage  and base volt-amperes,  the  per  unit  impedance  value  of
an element is x. What will be the per unit impedance value of this element when
the voltage and volt-ampere bases are both doubled?
  (a)  0.5x  (b)  2x  (c)  4x  (d) x
11.  In an inverse definite minimum time, electromagnetic type over-current relay the
minimum time feature is achieved because of  
  (a)  saturation of the magnetic circuit  (b)  proper mechanical design  
 (c)  appropriate time delay element  (d)  electromagnetic damping

12.  Out of the considerations (a) to (d) listed below. 
 (i)  no distance limitation related to steady state stability  
 (ii)  no reactive power requirement from the system at the two terminals  
 (iii) no substantial effect on fault level of the two systems at the terminals inspite
of the interconnection 
  (iv) no corona problems
 The considerations, which constitute advantages of HVDC transmission, are
 (a)  all of the above  (b)  (i) and (iii)  (c)  (iii) and (iv)  (d) (ii) and (iv)
13.  In  a  3-step distance protection, the  reach of the  three  zones of the  relay at  the
beginning of the first line typically extends up to
  (a)  100% of the first line, 50%  of the second line and 20% of the third line  
 (b)  80%  of the first line, 50%  of the second line and 20%  of the third line  
 (c)  80%  of the first line, 20%  of the second line and 10%  of the third line  
 (d)  50%  of first line, 50%  of second line and 20%  of the third line.
14.  A  three  phase  semi-converter  feeds  the  armature  of  a  separately  excited  dc
motor,  supplying  a  non-zero  torque.  For  steady  state  operation,  the  motor
armature  current  is  found  to  drop  to  zero  at  certain  instances  of  time.  At  such
instances, the voltage assumes a value that is
  (a)  equal to the instantaneous value of the ac phase voltage      
 (b)  equal to the instantaneous value of the motor back emf
 (c)  arbitrary      
 (d)  zero
15.  A thyristorised, three phase, fully controlled converter feeds a dc load that draws
a constant current. Then the input ac line current to the converter has
  (a)  an rms value equal to the dc load current  
 (b)  an average value equal to the dc load current  
 (c)  a peak value equal to the dc load current  
 (d)  a fundamental frequency component, whose rms value is equal to the dc load
16.  Triangular PWM control, when applied to a three phase, BJT based voltage source
inverter, introduces 
  (a)  low order harmonic voltages on the dc side      
 (b)  very high order harmonic voltages on the dc side
 (c)  low order harmonic voltages on the ac side      
 (d)  very high order harmonic voltage on the dc side
 17.  Instrument  transformers  are  known  to  introduce  magnitude  and  phase errors  in
measurements. These are primarily due to
  (a)  improper connections on the primary side      
 (b)  measurement  errors  inherent  in  the  meter  connected  to  the  transformer
  (c)  open and short circuit parameters of the instrument transformers    
 (d)  None of the above
18.  An  analogue  electronic  circuit  that  measures  rms  value  of  the  input  voltage  by
averaging  the  square  of  the  instantaneous  voltage  level,  responds  slowly  to
changes in the input signal due to  
  (a)  the —square“ function built into the circuit      
 (b)  the —square-root“ function built into the circuit
 (c)  the averaging function built into the circuit
 (d)  None of the above
19.  Ratio  of  the  rotor  reactance  X  to  the  rotor  resistance  R  for  a  two-phase
  (a)  is equal to that of a normal induction motor 
 (b)  is less than that of a normal induction motor  
 (c)  is greater than that of a normal induction motor  
 (d)  may be less or greater than that of a normal induction motor
20.  Feedback control systems are
 (a)  insensitive to both forward and feedback path parameter changes
 (b)  less  sensitive  to  feedback  path  parameter  changes  than  to  forward  path
parameter changes
  (c)  less  sensitive  to  forward-path  parameter  changes  than  to  feedback  path
parameter changes
  (d)  equally sensitive to forward and feedback path parameter changes
21.  A  unity  feedback system  has  open  loop  transfer  function  G(s). The steady-state
error is zero for
  (a)  step input and type œ1 G(s)  (b)  ramp input and type œ1 G(s)
 (c)  step input and type G(s)  (d)  ramp input and type œ0 G(s)

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