plz verify it.........
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Category: GATE Technical Discussions
Forum Name: GATE ECE
Forum Discription: General Technical Discussions, Queries, doubts etc. for GATE in ECE.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 5:08pm
Topic: plz verify it.........
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: plz verify it.........
Date Posted: 15Feb2007 at 10:39am
Feel these are the correct answers for certain
question in test id 08 .. pl let me know wht u get...and if u agree or
disagree with the following..
21) -100db/dec or -30db/oct .. ans (c)
22) calculation problems in the key .. ans should be 20 mw/cmsq
24) 1/x3 alright.. ! but shouldn it be away from dipole ? ans (d)
44) ans (c)
60) A is more stable than B than C than D .. it must be A,B,C,D (b)
71) i think ans is (c) (xn + x-n*) /2
72) ans (a)
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Posted By: Priya
Date Posted: 15Feb2007 at 10:41am
question no 21. correct answer is (c) is given in octave....
questio no 22...correct answer is 2 mW/cm.sq. not 20 mW/
question no 24..direction of electric filed is correct it will be towrds dipole....
since net eletric field will be towards dipole...negative charge is nearer then positive charge...
question no 44....apply first time shifting by 4 and then time scaling
nad then reversal.....u will get other answer ...not as (C)...i think
that the answer is not present in the option....
yes question no 71 ans is (c)....
question no 72 ans is (a)....(a) + (c) should give x(n).....
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