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2003- year ME GATE Paper

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Topic: 2003- year ME GATE Paper
Posted By: Neha Agarwal
Subject: 2003- year ME GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 3:03pm

1.  Two dice are thrown. What is the probability that the sum of the numbers on the
two dice is eight?
  (a)  5
    (b)  5
    (c)  1
   (d)  1
2.  Which of the following functions is not differentiable in the domain [-1,1]?  
 (a)  f(x)=x2      (b)  f(x)=x-1
 (c)  f(x)=2      (d)  f(x)=maximum(x,-x)
3.  A  regression  model  is  used  to  express  a  variable  Y  as  a  function  of  another variable X. this implies that
  (a)  there is a causal relationship between Y and X
 (b)  a value of X may be used to estimate a value of Y
 (c)  values of X exactly determine values of Y
 (d)  there is no causal relationship between Y and X
4.  The principles of motion economy are mostly used while conducting 
 (a)  a method study on an operation
 (b)  a time study on an operation
 (c)  a financial appraisal of an operation
 (d)  a feasibility study of the proposed manufacturing plant
5.  The standard time of an operation while conducting a time study is 
  (a)  mean observed time + allowances
 (b)  normal time + allowances
 (c)  mean observed time × rating factor + allowances
 (d)  normal time × rating factor + allowances
6.  In  carrying  out  a  work  sampling  study  in  a  machine  shop,  it  was  found  that  a particular  lathe  was  down  for  20%  of  the  time.  What  would  be  the  95% confidence interval of this estimate if 100 observations were made? 
  (a)  (0.16,0.24)  (b)  (0.12,0.28)  (c)  (0.08,0.32)  (d) none of these
7.  An  item  can  be  purchased  for  Rs.100.  The  ordering  cost  is  Rs.200  and  the
inventory carrying cost is 10% of the item cost per annum. If the annual demand
is 4000 units, the economic order quantity (in units) is  
  (a)  50  (b)  100  (c)  200  (d) 400
8.  The  minimum  number  of  teeth  on  the  pinion  to  operate  without  interference  in standard full height involute teeth gear mechanism with 20° pressure angle is 
  (a)  14  (b)  12  (c)  18  (d) 32
9.  The  minimum  number  of  links  in  a  single  degree-of-freedom  planar  mechanism with both higher and lower kinematic pairs is  
  (a)  2  (b)  3  (c)  4  (d) 5
10.  The Coriolis component of acceleration is present in
 (a)  4-bar mechanisms with 4 turning pairs  (b)  shape mechanism
 (c)  slider-crank mechanism  (d)  Scotch Yoke mechanism
11.  The total area under the stress-strain curve of a mild steel specimen tested up to
failure under tension is a measure of  
  (a)  ductility      (b)  ultimate strength
 (c)  stiffness      (d)  toughness
12.   The  number of components  in a  stress tensor defining stress at  a point in  three dimensions is
  (a)  3  (b)  4  (c)  6  (d) 9
13.  A lead-screw with half nuts in a lathe, free to rotate in both directions has  
 (a)  V-threads      (b)  Whitworth threads
 (c)  Buttress threads      (d)  Acme threads
14.  the primary purpose of a sprue in a casting mould is to  
 (a)  feed the casting at a rate consistent with the rate of solidification 
 (b)  act as a reservoir for molten metal
 (c)  feed molten metal from the pouring basin to the gate
 (d)  help feed the casting until all solidification takes place
15.  Hot rolling of mild steel is carried out  
 (a)  at re-crystallization temperature  (b)  between 100 C to 150 C
 (c)  between re-crystallization temperature
 (d)  above re-crystallization temperature

 16.  Which of the following arc welding processes does not use consumable electrodes
 (a)  GMAW      (b)  GTAW
 (c)  Submerged Arc Welding  (d)  none of these
17.  Trepanning is performed for  
 (a)  finishing a drilled hole
 (b)  producing a large hole without drilling
 (c)  truing a hole for alignment  (d)  enlarging a drilled hole
18.  The hardness of a grinding wheel is determined by the  
 (a)  hardness of abrasive grains
 (b)  ability of the bond to retain abrasives
 (c)  hardness of the bond
 (d)  ability of the grinding wheel to penetrate the work piece
19.  A positive value of Joule-Thomson coefficient of a fluid means
 (a)  temperature drops during throttling
 (b)  temperature remains constant during throttling
 (c)  temperature rises during throttling
 (d)  none of these
20.  If there are  m physical  quantities  and n fundamental dimensions  in a  particular
process, the number of non-dimensional parameters is  
  (a)  m+n  (b)  m×n  (c)  m-n  (d) m/n
21.  Flow separation in flow past a solid object is caused by    
 (a)  a reduction of pressure to vapour pressure
 (b)  a negative pressure gradient
 (c)  a positive pressure gradient
 (d)  the boundary layer thickness reducing to zero
22.  A correctly designed convergent-divergent nozzle working at a designed load is
 (a)  always isentropic     (b)  always choked
 (c)  never choked      (d)  never isentropic

23.  The value of Biot number is very small (less than 0.01) when  
 (a)  the convective resistance of the fluid is negligible
 (b)  the conductive resistance of the fluid is negligible
 (c)  the conductive resistance of the solid is negligible
 (d)  none of these
24.  For the same inlet  and  outlet temperatures of hot  and  cold fluids,  the Log Mean
Temperature Difference (LMTD) is  
  (a)  greater  for  parallel  flow  heat  exchanger  than  for  counter  flow  heat
  (b)  greater  for  counter  flow  heat  exchanger  than  for  parallel  flow  heat
  (c)  same for both parallel and counter flow heat exchangers.
 (d)  dependent on the properties of the fluids.
24.  Manish  has  to travel from A to  D  changing  buses at  stops B  and  C enroute.  The
maximum  waiting  time  at  either  stop  can  be  8  minutes  each,  but  any  time  of
waiting  up to  8  minutes  is  equally  likely  at both places.  He  can afford up  to 13
minutes  of  total  waiting  time  if  he  is  to  arrive  at  D  on  time.  What  is  the
probability that Manish will arrive late at D?
    (a)  8
    (b)  13
    (c)  119
    (d)  9
25.  Arrivals at a telephone booth are  considered to be Poisson, with an average time of  10  minutes  between  successive  arrivals.  The  length  of  a  phone  call  is distributed  exponentially  with  mean  3  minutes.  The  probability  that  an  arrival does not have to wait before service is
  (a)  0.3  (b)  0.5  (c)  0.7  (d) 0.9
26.  The supply at three sources is 50, 40 and 60 units respectively whilst the demand at the  four destinations is 20,  30, 10 and 50 units. In solving this transportation problem
  (a)   a dummy source of capacity 40 units is needed
 (b)  a dummy destination of capacity 40 units is needed
 (c)  no solution exists as the problem is infeasible
 (d)  none solution exists as the problem is degenerate
27.  A  project  consists  of  three  parallel  paths  with  mean durations  and  variances  of
(10,4),  (12,4)  and  (12,9)  respectively.  According  to  the  standard  PERT
assumptions, the distribution of the project duration is
  (a)  Beta with mean 10 and standard deviation 2
 (b)  Beta with mean 12 and standard deviation 2
 (c)  Normal with mean 10 and standard deviation 3
 (d)  Normal with mean 12 and standard deviation 3
28.  The coupling used to connect two shafts with large angular misalignment is
 (a)  a Flange coupling     (b)  an Oldham‘s coupling
 (c)  a Flexible bush coupling  (d)  a Hooke‘s joint
29.  A  static  load  is  mounted  at  the  center  of  a  shaft  rotating  at  uniform  angular
velocity. This shaft will be designed for
  (a)  the maximum compressive stress (static)
 (b)  the maximum tensile (static)
 (c)  the maximum bending moment (static)
 (d)  fatigue loading
30.  Large speed reductions (greater than 20) in one stage of a gear train are possible
  (a)  Spur gearing      (b)  Worm gearing
 (c)  Bevel gearing      (d)  Helical gearing

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