2008 examination consists of a single paper of 3 hours duration.
question paper will consist of only objective type questions. Each question
will have four choices for the answer. Only one choice is correct. Wrong
answers carry negative marks. Each
paper is for a maximum of 150 marks.
A candidate will have to choose any one of
the papers listed below:
Aerospace Engg. |
AE |
Information Technology |
IT |
Agricultural Engg. |
AG |
Mathematics |
MA |
Architecture and Planning |
AR |
Mechanical Engg. |
ME |
Civil Engg. |
CE |
Mining Engg. |
MN |
Chemical Engg. |
CH |
Metallurgical Engg. |
MT |
Computer Science and Engg. |
CS |
Physics |
PH |
Chemistry |
CY |
Production and Industrial Engg. |
PI |
Electronics and Communication Engg. |
EC |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
PY |
Electrical Engineering |
EE |
Textile Engg. and Fibre Science |
TF |
Geology and Geophysics |
GG |
Engineering Sciences |
XE* |
Instrumentation Engg. |
IN |
Life Sciences |
XL* |
*Papers XE and XL are of general nature and
will comprise the following sections:
XE paper sections (Engineering
Sciences) |
XL paper sections (Life
Sciences) |
Engg. Mathematics (Compulsory) |
A |
Chemistry (Compulsory) |
J |
Computational Science |
B |
Biochemistry |
K |
Electrical Sciences |
C |
Biotechnology |
L |
Fluid Mechanics |
D |
Botany |
M |
Materials Science |
E |
Microbiology |
N |
Solid Mechanics |
F |
Zoology |
O |
Thermodynamics |
G |
Polymer Science and Engineering |
H |
Food Technology |
I |
Candidates appearing
in XE or XL papers are required to answer three sections. Sections (A)
and (J) are compulsory in XE and XL papers respectively. Candidates can
choose any two out of the remaining sections mentioned against the respective
choice of the appropriate paper is the responsibility of the candidate.
However, some guidelines are suggested below:
(a) Candidates are expected to appear in a paper (one of the
listed papers) appropriate to the discipline of their qualifying degree.
(b) However, the candidates are free to choose any paper according
to their admission plan, keeping in mind the eligibility criteria of the
institutions in which they wish to seek admission. The
question paper of GATE 2008 will be fully of objective type.
(a) Candidates have to mark the correct choice by darkening
the appropriate bubble against
each question on an Objective Response
Sheet (ORS).
(b) There will be negativemarking
for wrong answers. The deduction for each wrong answer will be 25%
of the allotted marks.