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1998- year ME GATE Paper

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Topic: 1998- year ME GATE Paper
Posted By: Smitha
Subject: 1998- year ME GATE Paper
Date Posted: 14Feb2007 at 1:59pm

1.   The magnitude of the gradient of the function (fxy)=3  at  1,0, 2 is: 
  (a)  0  (b)  3  (c)  8  (d) 8
2.  The probability that two friends share the same birth-month is:
    (a)   6
    (b)  12
    (c)  144
    (d)  24
 3.  A car moving  with uniform acceleration covers 450 m in a 5 second interval, and covers 700 m in the next 5 second interval. The acceleration of the car is:
  (a)  7 m/s2  (b)  50 m/s2  (c)  25 m/s2   (d) 10 m/s2
4.  The  buckling  load  for  a  column  pinned  at  both  ends  is  10  kN.  If  the  ends  are fixed, the buckling load changes to
  (a)  40 kN  (b)  2.5 kN  (c)  5 kN  (d) 20 k N
5.  The normal stresses at a point are  10 MPa
s = the shear stress
s =  and,  2 MPa;
xy at this point is 4 MPa. The maximum principal stress at this point is:
  (a)  16 MPa  (b)  14 MPa  (c)  11 MPa  (d) 10 MPa
6.  The  ratio of average shear  stress to the maximum shear stress in  a beam  with a
square cross-section is:
  (a)  1  (b)  2    (c)  3   (d) 4
7.  Heat  transfer  coefficient for  free  convection  in  gases, forced  convection  in  gases
and vapours, and for boiling water lie, respectively in the ranges of
  (a)  5 œ 15, 20 œ 200 and 3000 œ 50,000 W/m2K.  
 (b)  20 œ 50, 200 œ 500 and 50,000 œ 105 W/m2K.  
 (c)  50 œ 100, 500 œ 1000 and 105 œ 106 W/m2K.  
 (d)  20 œ 100, 200 œ 1000, and a constant 106  W/m2K.
8.  If  N V and  a  are  the  nozzle  exit  velocity and  nozzle  angle in an  impulse  turbine,
the optimum blade velocity is given by
  (a)  cos 2VN   (b)  sin2VN   (c)  cos3VN (d) sin3VN

9.   A  Curtis  stage,  Rateau  stage  and  a 50%  reaction  stage  in  a  steam  turbine  are
examples of
  (a)  different types of impulse stages      
 (b)  different types of reaction stages
 (c)  a  simple  impulse  stage,  a  velocity  compounded  impulse  stage  and  reaction
  (d)  a velocity compounded impulse stage, a simple impulse stage and a reaction
10.  The basic load rating of a ball bearing is
 (a)  the  maximum  static  radial  load  that  can  be  applied  without  causing  any
plastic deformation of bearing component.  
  (b)  the  radial  load  at  which  90%  of  the  group  of  apparently  identical  bearings
run for one million revolutions before the first evidence of failure.  
  (c)  the  maximum  radial  load  that  can  be  applied  during  operation  without  any
plastic deformation of bearing components.  
  (d)  a  combination  of  radial  and  axial  loads  that  can  be  applied  without  any
plastic deformation.
11.  Decreasing grain size in a polycrystalline material  
 (a)  increases yield strength and corrosion resistance  
 (b)  decreases yield strength and corrosion resistance  
 (c)  decreases yield strength but increases corrosion resistance  
 (d)  increases yield strength but decreases corrosion resistance.

12.  Auto collimator is used to check  
 (a)  roughness      (b)  flatness  
 (c)  angle      (d)  automobile balance
13.  Failure of a bead weld between a heavy steel section and a thin section is mainly
due to the formation of 
  (a)  spheroidite      (b)  bainite  
 (c)  carbon free zone due to burning of carbon at high temperature 
 (d)  martensite.
14.  Ideal surface roughness, as  measured by  the maximum height of unevenness, is
best achieved when the material is removed by
  (a)  an end mill      (b)  a grinding wheel  
 (c)  a tool with zero nose radius  (d)  a ball mill
15.  In the specification of dimensions and fits, 
 (a)  allowance is equal to bilateral tolerance     
 (b)  allowance is equal to unilateral tolerance
 (c)  allowance is independent of tolerance      
 (d)  allowance  is  equal  to  the  difference  between  maximum  and  minimum
dimension specified by the tolerance.
16.  In machining using abrasive material, increasing abrasive grain size
 (a)  increases the material removal rate  
 (b)  decreases the material removal rate  
 (c)  first decreases and then increases the material removal rate  
 (d)  first increases and then decreases the material removal rate
17.  With increasing temperature of intake air, IC engine efficiency
 (a)  decreases      (b)  increases
 (c)  remains same      (d)  depends on other factors
18.  Chills are used in moulds to
 (a)  achieve directional solidification   
 (b)  reduce the possibility of blowholes
 (c)  reduce freezing time      
 (d)  smoothen metal flow for reducing splatter.
 19. One  of  the following  statements  about  PRS (Periodic  Reordering  System)  is  not
true. Identify,  
  (a)  PRS requires continuous monitoring of inventory levels       
 (b)  PRS is useful in control of perishable items
 (c)  PRS provides basis for adjustments to account for variations in demand
 (d)  In  PRS,  inventory  holding  costs  are  higher  than  in  Fixed  Recorder  Quantity
20.  In  inventory planning,  extra  inventory  is  unnecessarily carried to  the  end  of  the
planning period when using one of the following lot size decision policies:
  (a)  Lot œ for œ lot production  
 (b)  Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) lot size 
 (c)  Period Order Quantity (POQ) lot size  
 (d)  Part Period total cost balancing
21.  In  a weaving operation,  the parameter  to be  controlled is the number of defects
per 10 square yards of material. Control chart appropriate for this task is
  (a)  P - chart  (b)  C - chart  (c)  R - chart  (d)  X -Chart
22.  Which  one  of  the  following  forecasting  techniques  is  not  suited  for  making
forecasts for planning production schedules in the short range?
  (a)  Moving average      (b)  Exponential moving average
 (c)  Regression analysis    (d)  Delphi
22.  The  best  fit  line  using  least  squares  for  the  data  (0,0),  (10,  24),  (20,  36)  and
(30,60) is:
  (a)  2x œ y = 0      (b)  2x œ y + 4 = 0
 (c)  2x œ y œ 4 = 0      (d)  None of these

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