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GATE–Sample Questions-Networks

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Topic: GATE–Sample Questions-Networks
Posted By: aparna
Subject: GATE–Sample Questions-Networks
Date Posted: 27Nov2007 at 2:47am
Que. 1      An ideal voltage source coil charge on ideal capacitor
A         is infinite time
B         exponentially
C         insatntaneously
D         none of the above

Que. 2     A real transformer with primary and secondary winding each of 2H with
dots placed at     the top.the primary leakage inductance of the transformer
would be
A         1H
B         2H
C         4H
D         12H

Que. 3     The transfer function of a linear time invarient system represented by
a vector matrix      differential equation X=(AX+Bu) and the output Y=(CX+Du)
is given by
A         [C(sI-A)^-1.B]
B         C(sI-A)^-1.B+D
C         B(sI-A)^-1.C
D         B(sI-A)^-1.C+D

Que. 4     For a transfer function H(s)=[P(s)/Q(s)] where P(s) and Q(s) are polynomial
in s.
A         the degree of P(s) is always greater than the degree of Q(s)
B         the degree of P(s) and Q(s) are same
C         the degree of P(s) is independent of the degree of Q(s)
D         the maximum degree of P(s) and Q(s) differ at most by one

Que. 5     Two alternating voltage quantities are represented by e1= 60 sin(wt-30degree)
and      e2=10 cos(wt).then
A         e1 lags e2 by 30degree
B         e2 leads e1 by 60degree
C         e1 leads e2 by 60degree
D         e2 leads e1 by 120degree

Que. 6     A two terminal black box contains an element which can be R,L,C or M as
soon as the      black box is connected to a DC voltage source a finite
nonzero current is observed to       flow through the element.The element
A         a resistance
B         an inductance
C         a capacitance
D         a mutual inductance

Que. 7     In a R-L-C series resonant ckt at the half power points
A         the current is half of the current at response
B         the impedance is half of the impedance at response
C         the resistance is half of the resultant at response
D         none of the above

Que. 8     A sinusoidal voltage V and freq. f is connected to a series ckt at variable
resistance      R anda fixed reacance X.The locus of the tip of the current
phasor I as R is varied         from 0 to infinity is
A         a semicircle with a dimeter 0.1V/X
B         a straight line with a slop R/X
C         an ellipse with V/R as majour axis
D         a circle at radius R/X and origin at(0,V/2)

Que. 9     The laplace transform function of the function i(t) is I(s)=10(s+4)/[s(s+1)(s^2+4s+5)]
     its final value will be
A         4/5
B         5/4
C         4
D         5

Que. 10     The resistance of a strip of a copper of a rectangular cross-section is2
ohm.A metal      of resistivity twice that of copper is coated on its
upper surface to a thickness          equal tothat of copper strip.the
resistance of composite strip will be
A         6 ohms
B         4/3 ohms
C         3/2 ohms
D         3/4 ohms

Que. 11     Two coils in differential connection have self inductance of 2mH and 4mH
and a mutual       inductance of the combination is
A         5.7mH
B         5.85mH
C         6mH
D         6.15mH

Que. 12     The power in series R-L-C ckt will be half of that at resonance when the
magnitude of        the current is equal to
A         V/2R
B         V/3R
C         V/squrt(2)R
D         2V/R

Que. 13     When compared to a first order low pass filter a second order low pass
filter has
A         lower voltage gain
B         higher voltage gain
C         faster drop in filter response
D         higher cut-off freq.

Que. 14     For V(s)=[s(s+2)]/[s(s+1)] the inital andthe final values of v(t) will
be respectively
A         1 and 1
B         2 and 2
C         2 and 1
D         1 and 2

Que. 15     The network function F(s)=[(s+2)]/[(s+1)(s+3)]   represents an
A         RC impedance
B         RL impedance
C         RC impedance and an RL admittance
D         RC admittance and an RL impedance

Que. 16     In the series resourance having values of R,L and C are 25 ohm,0.01 micro
F. The freq.      at which voltage across L will be maximum at
A         7.96 khz
B         8 khz
C         7.9 khz
D         8.3 khz

Que. 17     In a series RLC high Q circuit, the current peaks at a frequency
A         equal to the resonant frequency
B         grater than the resonant frequency
C         less than the resonant frequency
D         none of the above

Que. 18     driving point impedance of the ladder network shown below will be
              __________       _________
              |________| |     |________||  
                  1H     |         1H    |
        V(1)            ___              ___     V(2)
                        ___ 1F           ___ 1F   
                         |               |
A         1/[(s^4)+3(s^2)+1]
B         1/[s(s^2+2)]
C         1/s(s^2-2)
D         none of these

Que. 19     A periodic function f(t) having a time period T,repets itself after halftime
period      T/2 the fourier series of f(t) would contain
A         cosine term
B         sine term
C         odd harmonic terms only
D         even harmonic terms only

Que. 20     Relative to a given fixed tree of a network,
A         Link currents from an independent set
B         Link voltage from an independent set
C         Link currents from an independent set
D         branch voltage from an independent set

Que. 21     the step errror coefficient of a system G(s)=1/[(s+6)(s+1)] with unity
feedback is
A         1/6
B         infinity
C         0
D         1

Que. 22      The eigen values of the matrix A=  |1  0| are
A         1,1
B         -1,-1
C         j,-j
D         1,-1

Que. 23     A d.c voltage source is connected across a series R-L-C ckt.Under steady
state          conditions,the applided d.c. voltage drops entirely across
A         R only
B         L only
C         C only
D         R and L combination

Que. 24     Consider a DC voltage source connected to a series R-C ckt.when the steady-state
            reaches the ratio of the energy stored in the capacitor to
the total energy supplie        by the voltage source,is equal to
A         0.362
B         0.500
C         0.632
D         1000

Que. 25     The trigonometric fourier series of a periodic time function can have
A         cosine terms
B         sine terms
C         cosine and sine terms
D         DC and cosine terms

Que. 26     if the input of ideal comparator shown in fig. is a sinusoidal signal of 8v without any DC component then the output of the comparator has a duty cycle of
              input  _________|+\         
                              | |-------------output
          vref =2v _______|-/             
A         1/2
B         1/3
C         1/6
D         q/2

Que. 27     The admittance parameter Y12 in the 2-port neywork is in fig. in
          I1        20 ohm            I2
             |                  |   
             |                  |
         /\   \                 \
      E1 ||   / 5 ohm           /10 ohm  /\
              \                 \        ||E2
              /                 /       
             |                  |
             |                  |
A         -0.2mho
B         0.1mho
C         -0.05mho
D         0.05mho

Que. 28     A periodic signal x(t) of period T(0) is given by
                1,  |t|
          x(t)={0,   T1<|t|
    the DC component of X(t) is
A         T1/T0
B         T1/2T0
C         2T1/T0
D         T0/T1

Que. 29     If [f(t)]=F(s),then [f(t-T)]=?
A         e^sT.F(s)
B         e^-sT.F(s)
C         F(s)/1+e^sT
D         F(s)/1-e^sT

Que. 30     A linear time invarient system hasan impulse response e^2t, t>0.if the
initial      conditions are zero and input is e^3t the output for t>0
A         e^3t-e^2t
B         e^5t
C         e^3t+e^2t
D         none of the above

Que. 31     In a linear demodulation ckt, the time constant of the RC ckt should be
A         very high
B         very low
C         adjusted for lowest modulating freq.
D         adjusted for highest modulating freq.

Que. 32     The transfer function of a tachnometer is the form
A         Ks
B         K/s
C         K/s+1
D         K/s(s+1)

Que. 33     If each branch of delta ckt has impedance/3 z, then each branch of the
equivalent wye ckt has impedance.
A         z/[(squrt)3]
B         3z
C         3/3z
D         z/3

Que. 34     The region of convergence of the z-transform of a unit step function is
A                  |z|>1
B                  |z|<1
C         real part of z >0
D         real part of z <0

Que. 35     The Q of a series RLC ckt is equal to
A         band width
B         voltage gain
C         impedance
D         resonent frequency

Que. 36     The short ckt natural freq. at port 1 is given by
              1      1/2                     2
               |            |         |
               |            |         | 
               |            \         |
              ___           / 1/3    ___
            1 ___           \        ___ 2
               |            /         |
               |            |         |
A         s+5
B         2s+5=0
C         s+3/2=0
D         s+10=0

Que. 37     To find Z in thevenin's theerem
A         all independent voltage sources are short ckted and all independent
current source are open ckted
B         all independent voltage sources and dependent current source
are open ckted
C         all independent voltage are open ckted and all independent current
sources are short ckted
D         all voltage are current sources are short ckted

Que. 38     open ckt voltage is the potential differance between two points when the
impedance between these points is
A         infinity
B         rective
C         0
D         none of these

Que. 39     The op-Amp ckt shown in the figure is
                          |                    |
                          |   |\               |
                          |___|-\         |    |
                              | |-------|>|----|--------V
             o____________|+/         |    |         0
                 |            |/       ideal   |
                 |          ideal      diode   |
             v   |          op-Amp            ___
              in_|___                         ___
              ///////                          |
A         A sample/hold ckt
B         a rectifier/amplifier ckt
C         a peak detector ckt
D         an antilog amplifier ckt

Que. 40     If a input to the ckt of fig. in sine wave the output will be
      I/P ________________|\       
                          |  \___________ o/p
                          |  /             
A         A half wave rectified sine wave
B         A full wave rectified sine wave
C         A trangular wave
D         A squaer wave

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