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Quote nupur Replybullet Topic: GATE – Sample Questions - ME
    Posted: 31Mar2008 at 10:48pm
Questions And Answers
No. Question
1 The following data about the flow of liquid was observed in a continuous chemical process plant


Flow rate




















Frequency 1 5 35 17 12 10

Mean flow rate of the liquid is

A) 8.00 litres/sec  B) 8.06 litres/sec
C) 8.16 litres/sec  D) 8.26 litres/sec
Correct Answer C
2 During the execution of a CNC part program block
NO20 GO2 X45.0  Y25.0 R5.0
the type of tool motion will be
A) circular Interpolation — clockwise
B) circular Interpolation — counterclockwise
C) linear Interpolation
D) rapid feed
Correct Answer A
3 A component can be produced by any of the four processes I, II, III and IV. Process I has a fixed cost ofRs. 20 and variable cost of Rs. 3 per piece. Process II has a fixed cost Rs. 50 and variable cost of Re. 1 per piece. Process III has a fixed cost of Rs. 40 and variable cost of Rs. 2 per piece. Process IV has a fixed cost of Rs. 10 and variable cost of Rs. 4 per piece. If the company wishes to produce 100 pieces of the
component, from economic point of view it should choose
A) Process I    B) Process II
C) Process III  D) Process IV
Correct Answer B
5 In an interchangeable assembly, shafts of size 25.000+0.040mm mate with holes of size 25.000+0.020 mm. The maximum possible clearance in the assembly will be
A) 10 microns  B) 20 microns
C) 30 microns  D) 60 microns
Correct Answer D
6 A company has two factories S1, S2 and two warehouses D1, D2. The supplies from S1 and S2 are 50 and 40 units respectively. Warehouse D1 requires a minimum of 20 units and a maximum of 40 units. Warehouse D2 requires a minimum of 20 units and, over and above, it can take as much as can be supplied. A balanced transportation problem is to be formulated for the above situation. The number of supply points, the number of demand points, and the total supply (or total demand) in the balanced transportation problem respectively are
A) 2, 4, 90 B) 2, 4, 110
C) 3, 4, 90  D) 3, 4, 110
Correct Answer C
7 A standard machine tool and an automatic machine tool are being compared for the production of a component. Following data refers to the two machines.



Machine Tool


Machine Tool

Setup time 30 min. 2 hours
Machining time per piece 22 min. 5min
Machine rate Rs. 200 per hour Rs. 800 per hour

The breakeven production batch size above which the automatic machine tool will be economical to use, will be

A) B) 5
C) 24 D) 225
8 An incompressible fluid (kinematic viscosity, 7.4 x 10-7 m2/s, specific gravity, 0.88) is held between two parallel plates. If the top plate is moved with a velocity of 0.5 m/s while the bottom one is held stationary, the fluid attains a linear velocity profile in the gap of 0.5 mm between these plates; the shear stress in Pascals on the surface of top plate is
A) 0.651 x 10-3 B) 0.651
C) 6.51  D) 0.651 x 103
Correct Answer B
9 A weighing machine consists of a 2 kg pan resting on spring. In this condition, with the pan resting on the spring, the length of the spring is 200 mm. When a mass of 20 kg is placed on the pan, the length of the spring becomes 100 mm. For the spring, the un-deformed length 10 and the spring constant k (stiffness) are
A) l0 = 220 mm,   k = 1862 N/m  B) l0 = 210 mm,   k = 1960 N/m
C) l0 = 200 mm,   k = 1960 N/m D) l0 = 200 mm,   k = 2156 N/m
Correct Answer B
10 Match the following with respect to spatial mechanisms.
Type of Joint                                         Degrees of constraint
P-Revolute.                                          1. Three
Q-Cylindrical                                        2. Five
R-Spherical                                           3. Four
                                                             4. Two
                                                             5. Zero
A) P-l Q-3 R-3
B) P-5 Q-4 R-3
C) P-2 Q-3 R-l   D) P-4 Q-5 R-3
Correct Answer C
11 Environment friendly refrigerant R134a is used in the new generation domestic refrigerators. Its chemical formula is
A) CH C1 F2  B) C2 C13 F3
C) C2 C12 F4  D) C2 H2 F4
Correct Answer D
12 A company has an annual demand of 1000 units, ordering cost of Us. 100/order and carrying cost of Rs. 100/unit-year. If the stock-out costs are estimated to be nearly Rs. 400 each time the company runs out-of-stock, the safety stock justified by the carrying cost will be
A) 4 B) 20
C) 40 D) 100
13 Which among the NC operations given below are continuous path operations?
Arc Welding (AW)
Milling (M)
Drilling (D)
Punching is Sheet Metal (P)
Laser Cutting of Sheet Metal (LC)
Spot Welding (SW)
A) AW, LC and M  B) AW, D, LC and M
C) D, LC, P and SW  D) D, LC, and SW
Correct Answer B
14 The S-N curve for steel becomes asymptotic nearly at
A) 103 cycles  B) 104 cycles
C) 106 cycles D) 109 cycles
Correct Answer C
15 There are four samples P, Q, R and S, with natural frequencies 64, 96, 128 and
256 Hz, respectively. They are mounted on test setups for conducting vibration experiments. If a loud pure note of frequency 144 Hz is produced by some instrument, which of the samples will show the most perceptible induced vibration?
A) P B) Q
C) R D) S
Correct Answer A
16 A vibrating machine is isolated from the floor using springs. If the ratio of excitation frequency of vibration of machine to the natural frequency of the isolation system is equal to 0.5, the transmissibility of ratio of isolation is
D) 2
Correct Answer C
17 When 3-2-1 principle is used to support and locate a three dimensional work-piece during machining, the number of degress of freedom that are restricted is
A) 7 B) 8
C) 9 D) 10
Correct Answer C
18 A solar collector receiving solar radiation at the rate of 0.6 k W/m2 transforms it to the internal energy of a fluid at an overall efficiency of 50%. The fluid heated to 350 K is used to run a heat engine which rejects heat at 313 K. If the heat engine is to deliver 2.5 kW power, the minimum area of the solar collector required would be
A) 8.33m2   B) 16.66m2
C) 39.68m2  D) 79.36m2
Correct Answer D
19 A fluid flow is represented by the velocity field 

= ax  

+ ay

where a is a constant. The equation of stream line passing through a point (1, 2) is
A) x-2y = 0 B) 2x + y = 0
C) 2x - y = 0 D) x + 2y = 0
Correct Answer C
20 A welding operation is time-studied during which an operator was pace-rated as 120%. The operator took, on an average, 8 minutes for producing the weld-joint. If a total of 10% allowances are allowed for this operation, the expected standard production rate of the weld-joint (in units per 8 hour day) is
A) 45 B) 50
C) 55 D) 60
Correct Answer A

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