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Joined: 30Apr2007
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Quote aparna Replybullet Topic: Online Application Process !!!
    Posted: 05Nov2007 at 3:29am

Online Application Process

In order to fill in the online application, payment of application fee has to made apriori. The payments are made through Demand Draft only.

Application fee: Rs. 900/-  for GENERAL category and Rs. 400/-  for SC/ST category.

The application fee is not refundable.

Demand drafts (Rs. 900 for GENERAL category and Rs. 400 for SC/ST category) should be made in favour of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore on any nationalized bank payable at Bangalore. 

2.Fill in the ONLINE application form
You will have to first register to access the online application form. For registering, you will have to provide a login Id, password, first name, last name and email Id. 

Click on 'online application' to view the form. FILL in the appropriate data. You will have to FILL in the payment details also. Therefore, it is essential that before you fill in the online application form make sure that you have the Demand Draft as mentioned above. You must enter the Demand Draft number, the 9-digit Bank Id or the MICR No. (that is next to the Demand Draft number on the DD) and the Bank name for the payment details.

3.PRINT the online application form
After submitting the online application, you will be able to generate a PDF document of the online application with your specific details/data. For this you must logon to the GATE website from a computer that has Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 and above. From the onscreen view of the PDF document that your browser projects, you must PRINT the generated PDF online application form.

On the PRINTED application form mentioned in step-3, PASTE a recent good quality non-attested photo of yourself  in the space provided. Sign in the space provided for specimen signature and the declaration at the bottom of the application form. The signature should be identical in both the places and it should be YOUR signature only.

Sign in full using only black ball point pen in the box provided. Since the signature is proof of your identity, it must be genuine and in full; initials are not sufficient. Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS is not permitted. The form must be signed only by you and not by any other person. The signature will be scanned and put on the Admit Card as well as the Scorecard. If the candidate’s signature on the answer script, at the time of the examination, does not match the signature on the Admit Card, the candidate will be disqualified.

SC/ST certificate and/or Disability certificate should be obtained from appropriate authorities IF APPLICABLE. For a list of authorities who can issue SC/ST certificates, see the information brochure.

Place the Demand Draft, printed online application form and if applicable, the SC/ST and/or Disability certificates in an envelope and send it to THE CHAIRMAN, GATE, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, BANGALORE - 560012 by SPEED/ REGISTERED POST only.

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