Q121. Choose the false statement. The regular sets are closed under
A. homomorphism
B. quotient with a deterministic context free language
C. inverse homomorphism
D. inverse substitution
Q122. Let L be a formal lanaugae. The set Lhalf is obtained by taking the first
halves of strings in L. Choose the true statement
A. If L is regular then Lhalf is regular
B. If L is regular then Lhalf is not regular
C. If L is a cfl then Lhalf is a cfl
D. If L is a csl then Lhalf is a cfl
Q123. The cfls are not closed under
A. substitution, homomorphism, union
B. union, conctenation, Kleene closure
C.homomorphism, inverse homomorphism, intersection with a regular set
D. inverse substitution
Q124. The cfls are not closed under
B. union,Kleene closure, INIT
D. reversal
Q125. The cfls are not closed under
A. half--the language formed by taking the first halves of strings of a cfl
B. gsm mappings
C. Kleene closure, intersection with a regular set
D. complement
Q126. The complements of the cfls {a^nb^nc^n|n>=1} and {ww|w in (0+1)+}are
A. Regular, Regular
B. both cfls
C. both csls but not cfls
D. CFL and regular
Q127. The cls are not closed under
A. union
B. intersection
C. substitution
D. quotient with a regular set
Q128. The recursive sets are not closed under
A. complementation
B. union
C. intersection
D. substitution
Q129. The recursivse sets are not closed under
A. homomorphism
B. e-free homomorphism
C. intersection
D. positive Kleene closure
Q130. The r.e. sets are not closed under
A. union
B. intersection
C. complement
D. reversal
Q131. The r.e. sets are not closed under
A. intersection
B. substitution
D. complement
Q132. The complement of a r.e. set L that is not recursive
A.may be recursive
B. is always r.e.
C. is not r.e.
D. may be a csl
Q133. Choose the false statement. The cfls are not closed under intersection.
The intersection of two cfls may be
A. regular
B. cfl
D. not r.e.
Q134. The DCFLs are not closed under(choose the false statement)
A. union, Kleene closure, homomorphism
B. positive Kleene closure, reversal
C. concatenation, INIT
Q135. The DCFLs are not clsoed under(choose the false statement)
A. union, substitution
C. intersection
D. inverse substitution
Q136. Choose the false statement. The following languages are closed under
A. Regular
B. cfls
D. recursive sets
Q137. Choose the false statement. The following languages are closed under
A. r.e. sets
B. csls
D. recursive sets
Q138. Choose the false statement. The following languages are closed under
A. regular sets
B. dcfls
C. cfls
D. recursive sets
Q139. Choose the false statement. The following languages are closed under
A. regualar sets
B. r.e. sets
C. dcfls
D. recursive sets
Q139. Choose the false statement. The following languages are closed under
A. regular sets
B. dcfls
C. finite sets
D. recursive sets
Q140. The following languages are closed under substitution(choose the false
A. regular sets
B. dcfls
C. cfls
D. r.e. sets