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Joined: 03Apr2007
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Posts: 19
Quote annu Replybullet Topic: Gate Syllabus of ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING
    Posted: 03Apr2007 at 10:39pm
City planning: Historical development of cities; principles of city planning; new towns; survey methods, site planning, planning regulations and building bye-laws.

Housing: Concept of shelter; housing policies and design; community planning; role of government agencies; finance and management.

Landscape Design:
Principles of landscape design and site planning; history and landscape styles; landscape elements and materials; planting design.

Computer Aided Design:
Application of computers in architecture and planning; understanding elements of hardware and software; computer graphics; programming languages - C and Visual Basic and usage of packages such as AutoCAD.

Environmental and Building Science:
Elements of environmental science; ecological principles concerning environment; role of micro-climate in design; climatic control through design elements; thermal comfort; elements of solar architecture; principles of lighting and illumination; basic principles of architectural acoustics; air pollution, noise pollution and their control.

Visual and Urban Design: Principles of visual composition; proportion, scale, rhythm, symmetry, harmony, balance, form and colour; sense of place and space, division of space; focal point, vista, imageability, visual survey.

History of Architecture: Indian - Indus valley, Vedic, Buddhist, Indo-Aryan, Dravidian and Mughal periods; European - Egyptian, Greek, Roman, medieval and renaissance periods.

Development of Contemporary Architecture:
Architectural developments and impacts on society since industrial revolution; influence of modern art on architecture; works of national and international architects; post modernism in architecture.

Building Services:
Water supply, Sewerage and Drainage systems; Sanitary fittings and fixtures; principles of electrification of buildings; elevators, their standards and uses; air-conditioning systems; fire fighting systems.

Building Construction and Management: Building construction techniques, methods and details; building systems and prefabrication of building elements; principles of modular coordination; estimation, specification, valuation, professional practice; project management, PERT, CPM.

Materials and Structural Systems: Behavioural characteristics of all types of building materials e.g. mud, timber, bamboo, brick, concrete, steel, glass, FRP; principles of strength of materials; design of structural elements in wood, steel and RCC; elastic and limit state design; complex structural systems; principles of pre-stressing.

Planning Theory: Planning process; multilevel planning; comprehensive planning; central place theory; settlement pattern; land use and land utilization.

Techniques of Planning: Planning surveys; Preparation of urban and regional structure plans, development plans, action plans; site planning principles and design; statistical methods; application of remote sensing techniques in urban and regional planning.

Traffic and Transportation Planning: Principles of traffic engineering and transportation planning; methods of conducting surveys; design of roads, intersections and parking areas; hierarchy of roads and levels of services; traffic and transport management in urban areas; traffic safety and traffic laws; public transportation planning; modes of transportation.

Services and Amenities: Principles and design of water supply systems, sewerage systems, solid waste disposal systems, power supply and communication systems; Health, education, recreation and demography related standards at various levels of the settlements.

Development Administration and Management: Planning laws; development control and zoning regulations; laws relating to land acquisition; development enforcements, land ceiling; regional and urban plan preparations; planning and municipal administration; taxation, revenue resources and fiscal management; public participation and role of NGO.

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