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Joined: 04Jan2007
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Quote Arpita Replybullet Topic: ECE GATE sample paper
    Posted: 04Jan2007 at 6:05pm


Choose the correct one from among the alternatives A, B, C, D after matching an item from Group 1 with the most appropriate item in Group 2.


Group1 Group 2
1: FM
2: DM
3: PSK
4: PCM
P: Slope overload
Q: m -law
R: Envelope detector
S: Capture effect
T: Hilbert transform
U: Matched filter

A) 1-T,  2-P,   3-U,   4-S B) 1-S,   2-U,   3-P,   4-T
C) 1-S,   2-P,   3-U,   4-Q D) 1-U,   2-R,   3-S,   4-Q

Correct Answer C


A causal LTI system is described by the difference equation

2y[n] = ay[n-2] - 2x[n] + bx[n-1]

The system is stable only if

A) | a | = 2, | b | < 2
B) | a | > 2, | b | >2
C) | a |  < 2, any value of b
D)b | < 2, any value of a

Correct Answer C

3 The drain of an n-channel MOSFET is shorted to the gate so that VGS = VDS. The threshold voltage (VT) of MOSFET is 1 V. If the drain current (ID) is 1 mA for VGS = 2V, then for VGS = 3V, ID is
A) 2 mA B) 3 mA
C) 9 mA D) 4 mA

Correct Answer D

4 The first and the last critical frequency of an RC-driving point impedance function must respectively be
A) a zero and a pole B) a zero and a zero
C) a pole and a pole D) a pole and a zero

Correct Answer D

5 A random variable X with uniform density in the interval 0 to 1 is quantized as follows:
If  0 £ X £ 0.3,  xq = 0
If  0.3 £ X £ 1,  xq = 0.7
where xq is the quantized value of X.
The root-mean square value of the quantization noise is
A) 0.573 B) 0.198
C) 2.205  D) 0.266

Correct Answer A

6 In a full-wave rectifier using two ideal diodes, Vdc and Vm are the dc and peak values of the voltage respectively across a resistive load. If PIV is the peak inverse voltage of the diode, then the appropriate relationships for this rectifier are

Vdc =

 , PIV = 2Vm

B) Vdc = 2
 , PIV = 2Vm
C) Vdc = 2
 , PIV = Vm
D) Vdc =
 , PIV = Vm

Correct Answer B

7 Choose the function f(t); -¥ < t < ¥, for which a Fourier series cannot be defined.
A) 3 sin (25 t) B) 4 cos (20 t + 3) + 2 sin (710 t)
C) exp(-|t| )sin(25t) D) 1

Correct Answer C

8 In what range should Re(s) remain so that the Laplace transform of the function e(a+2)t+5 exits?
A) Re (s) > a + 2 B) Re (s) > a + 7
C) Re (s) < 2 D) Re (s) > a + 5

Correct Answer A

9 The state variable equations of a system are:
1.  x1 = - 3x1 - x2 + u
2.  x1 = 2x1
     y  = x1 + u
 The system is 
A) controllable but not observable B) observable but not controllable
C) neither controllable nor observable D) controllable and observable

Correct Answer D

10 For the polynomial P(s) = s5  + s4 + 2s3 + 2s2 + 3s + 15, the number of roots which lie in the right half of the s-plane is
A) 4 B) 2
C) 3 D) 1

Correct Answer B

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