The GATE SCORE of a candidate is a statistical performance
index in the range 0 to 1000. It reflects the ability of a
candidate, irrespective of the paper or year in which he/she
has qualified. Candidates with same GATE SCORE from different
disciplines and/or years can be considered to be of equal
The performance index (PI) of a candidate for his/her paper
in a given year is defined as:
m = marks obtained by the candidate.
a = average of marks of all candidates who appeared in the
paper mentioned on this scorecard, in the current year.
s = standard deviation of marks of all candidates who appeared
in the paper mentioned on this scorecard, in the current
To facilitate performance comparison across GATE papers
and over a block of years since GATE 2003, this PI is scaled
with respect to the global average and global standard deviation.
This concept is represented as:
mg = rescaled marks defined with reference to global
average and standard deviation.
ag = global average of marks of all candidates
who appeared across all papers and years (2003-2006).
sg = global standard deviation of marks of all
candidates who appeared across all papers and years (2003-2006).
Therefore the candidate’s rescaled marks can now be written
Considering 150 as the maximum marks in GATE paper, the
rescaled marks, mg, is finally represented as
the GATE Score on a 0 to 1000 scale and is given by:
A typical qualitative interpretation of the GATE SCORE,
for example, can be as follows:
GATE Score Range |
Ability Level |
800 to 1000 |
Outstanding |
675 to 800 |
Excellent |
550 to 675 |
Very good |
425 to 550 |
Good |
300 to 425 |
Above average |
100 to 300 |
Average |
Below 100 |
Below average |
- The evaluation of the ORS is carried out by a computerized
process using scanning machines, with utmost care. Requests
for revaluation of the answer script and re-totaling of marks
will not be entertained.
- The GATE result and particulars of the qualified candidates
will be made available to interested organizations (educational
institutions, R and D laboratories, industries etc.) in India
and abroad based on written request by the organization and
on payment. Details can be obtained from GATE Chairmen of IITs
/ IISc.
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