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Reyan Tailer

Joined: 27Dec2006
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Quote Reyan Tailer Replybullet Topic: Theory Of Computation(Question By New Syllabus)
    Posted: 27Dec2006 at 12:31pm
Q191. Choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. finite automata

b.deterministic push down automata

c. push down automata

d. halting turing machines

Q192. Choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. deterministic linear bounded automata

b. linear bounded automata

c.halting turing machines

d. turing machines

Q193. choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. multidimensional turing machines

b. multitrack turing machines

c. multiheaded turing machines

d. halting turing machines

Q194. Choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. finite sets

b. regular sets

c. dcfls

d. recursive sets

Q195. Choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. cfls


c. recursive sets

d. r.e. sets

Q196. Choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. type-0 grammars

b. halting turing machines

c. type-1 grammars

d. type 2 grammars

Q197. Choose the false statement

The following can be effectively enumerated

a. type-0 grammars

b. halting turing machines

c. type-1 grammars

d. type 3 grammars

Q198. Ram and Shyam define universal languages as follows

L0={<M,x,1>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that accepts x}

L00={<M,x,1>|M is the encoding of a halting turing machine that accepts x}

L1={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a linear bounded automata that accepts x}

L2={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a push down automata that accepts x}

L22={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a dpda that accepts x}

L3={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a fa that accepts x}

Choose the correct statement

a. all the universal languages are r.e.

b. the complements of all the universal languages are r.e.

c. all the universal languages are recursive

d. except L00 all the universal languages are r.e.

Q199. Ram and Shyam define universal languages as follows

L0={<M,x,1>|M is the encoding of a turing machine that accepts x}

L00={<M,x,1>|M is the encoding of a halting turing machine that accepts x}

L1={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a linear bounded automata that accepts x}

L2={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a push down automata that accepts x}

L22={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a dpda that accepts x}

L3={<M,x,1>| M is the encoding of a fa that accepts x}

Choose the correct statement

a. all the universal languages are recursive.

b. the complements of all the universal languages are recursive

c. all the universal languages are r.e.

d. except L00 all the universal languages are r.e.

Q200. Ram and Shyam define universal languages as follows

L0={<G,x,1>|G is the encoding of a type 0 that generates x}

L00={<G,x,1>|G is the encoding of a type 0 grammar that generates a recursive set and generates x}

L1={<G,x,1>| G is the encoding of a type 1 grammar that generates x}

L2={<G,x,1>| G is the encoding of a type 2 grammar that generates x}

L22={<G,x,1>| G is the encoding of a LR(k) grammar that generates x}

L3={<G,x,1>| G is the encoding of a type 3 grammar that generates x}

Choose the correct statement

a. all the universal languages are r.e.

b. the complements of all the universal languages are r.e.

c. all the universal languages are recursive

d. except L00 all the universal languages are r.e.

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