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Topic: GATE–Sample Questions-Networks | |
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Groupie Joined: 30Apr2007 Online Status: Offline Posts: 70 |
Topic: GATE–Sample Questions-Networks Posted: 27Nov2007 at 2:47am |
Que. 1 An ideal voltage source coil charge on ideal capacitor
A is infinite time B exponentially C insatntaneously D none of the above Que. 2 A real transformer with primary and secondary winding each of 2H with dots placed at the top.the primary leakage inductance of the transformer would be A 1H B 2H C 4H D 12H Que. 3 The transfer function of a linear time invarient system represented by a vector matrix differential equation X=(AX+Bu) and the output Y=(CX+Du) is given by A [C(sI-A)^-1.B] B C(sI-A)^-1.B+D C B(sI-A)^-1.C D B(sI-A)^-1.C+D Que. 4 For a transfer function H(s)=[P(s)/Q(s)] where P(s) and Q(s) are polynomial in s. A the degree of P(s) is always greater than the degree of Q(s) B the degree of P(s) and Q(s) are same C the degree of P(s) is independent of the degree of Q(s) D the maximum degree of P(s) and Q(s) differ at most by one Que. 5 Two alternating voltage quantities are represented by e1= 60 sin(wt-30degree) and e2=10 cos(wt).then A e1 lags e2 by 30degree B e2 leads e1 by 60degree C e1 leads e2 by 60degree D e2 leads e1 by 120degree Que. 6 A two terminal black box contains an element which can be R,L,C or M as soon as the black box is connected to a DC voltage source a finite nonzero current is observed to flow through the element.The element is A a resistance B an inductance C a capacitance D a mutual inductance Que. 7 In a R-L-C series resonant ckt at the half power points A the current is half of the current at response B the impedance is half of the impedance at response C the resistance is half of the resultant at response D none of the above Que. 8 A sinusoidal voltage V and freq. f is connected to a series ckt at variable resistance R anda fixed reacance X.The locus of the tip of the current phasor I as R is varied from 0 to infinity is A a semicircle with a dimeter 0.1V/X B a straight line with a slop R/X C an ellipse with V/R as majour axis D a circle at radius R/X and origin at(0,V/2) Que. 9 The laplace transform function of the function i(t) is I(s)=10(s+4)/[s(s+1)(s^2+4s+5)] its final value will be A 4/5 B 5/4 C 4 D 5 Que. 10 The resistance of a strip of a copper of a rectangular cross-section is2 ohm.A metal of resistivity twice that of copper is coated on its upper surface to a thickness equal tothat of copper strip.the resistance of composite strip will be A 6 ohms B 4/3 ohms C 3/2 ohms D 3/4 ohms Que. 11 Two coils in differential connection have self inductance of 2mH and 4mH and a mutual inductance of the combination is A 5.7mH B 5.85mH C 6mH D 6.15mH Que. 12 The power in series R-L-C ckt will be half of that at resonance when the magnitude of the current is equal to A V/2R B V/3R C V/squrt(2)R D 2V/R Que. 13 When compared to a first order low pass filter a second order low pass filter has A lower voltage gain B higher voltage gain C faster drop in filter response D higher cut-off freq. Que. 14 For V(s)=[s(s+2)]/[s(s+1)] the inital andthe final values of v(t) will be respectively A 1 and 1 B 2 and 2 C 2 and 1 D 1 and 2 Que. 15 The network function F(s)=[(s+2)]/[(s+1)(s+3)] represents an A RC impedance B RL impedance C RC impedance and an RL admittance D RC admittance and an RL impedance Que. 16 In the series resourance having values of R,L and C are 25 ohm,0.01 micro F. The freq. at which voltage across L will be maximum at A 7.96 khz B 8 khz C 7.9 khz D 8.3 khz Que. 17 In a series RLC high Q circuit, the current peaks at a frequency A equal to the resonant frequency B grater than the resonant frequency C less than the resonant frequency D none of the above Que. 18 driving point impedance of the ladder network shown below will be __________ _________ o_______|inductor|_______|inductor|____________o |________| | |________|| 1H | 1H | V(1) ___ ___ V(2) ___ 1F ___ 1F | | o________________|_______________|_______o A 1/[(s^4)+3(s^2)+1] B 1/[s(s^2+2)] C 1/s(s^2-2) D none of these Que. 19 A periodic function f(t) having a time period T,repets itself after halftime period T/2 the fourier series of f(t) would contain A cosine term B sine term C odd harmonic terms only D even harmonic terms only Que. 20 Relative to a given fixed tree of a network, A Link currents from an independent set B Link voltage from an independent set C Link currents from an independent set D branch voltage from an independent set Que. 21 the step errror coefficient of a system G(s)=1/[(s+6)(s+1)] with unity feedback is A 1/6 B infinity C 0 D 1 Que. 22 The eigen values of the matrix A= |1 0| are A 1,1 B -1,-1 C j,-j D 1,-1 Que. 23 A d.c voltage source is connected across a series R-L-C ckt.Under steady state conditions,the applided d.c. voltage drops entirely across the A R only B L only C C only D R and L combination Que. 24 Consider a DC voltage source connected to a series R-C ckt.when the steady-state reaches the ratio of the energy stored in the capacitor to the total energy supplie by the voltage source,is equal to A 0.362 B 0.500 C 0.632 D 1000 Que. 25 The trigonometric fourier series of a periodic time function can have only A cosine terms B sine terms C cosine and sine terms D DC and cosine terms Que. 26 if the input of ideal comparator shown in fig. is a sinusoidal signal of 8v without any DC component then the output of the comparator has a duty cycle of |\ input _________|+\ | |-------------output vref =2v _______|-/ |/ A 1/2 B 1/3 C 1/6 D q/2 Que. 27 The admittance parameter Y12 in the 2-port neywork is in fig. in I1 20 ohm I2 o__>_______/\/\/\/\____________<___ | | | | /\ \ \ E1 || / 5 ohm /10 ohm /\ \ \ ||E2 / / | | | | o_____|__________________|_______ A -0.2mho B 0.1mho C -0.05mho D 0.05mho Que. 28 A periodic signal x(t) of period T(0) is given by 1, |t| x(t)={0, T1<|t| the DC component of X(t) is A T1/T0 B T1/2T0 C 2T1/T0 D T0/T1 Que. 29 If [f(t)]=F(s),then [f(t-T)]=? A e^sT.F(s) B e^-sT.F(s) C F(s)/1+e^sT D F(s)/1-e^sT Que. 30 A linear time invarient system hasan impulse response e^2t, t>0.if the initial conditions are zero and input is e^3t the output for t>0 is A e^3t-e^2t B e^5t C e^3t+e^2t D none of the above Que. 31 In a linear demodulation ckt, the time constant of the RC ckt should be A very high B very low C adjusted for lowest modulating freq. D adjusted for highest modulating freq. Que. 32 The transfer function of a tachnometer is the form A Ks B K/s C K/s+1 D K/s(s+1) Que. 33 If each branch of delta ckt has impedance/3 z, then each branch of the equivalent wye ckt has impedance. A z/[(squrt)3] B 3z C 3/3z D z/3 Que. 34 The region of convergence of the z-transform of a unit step function is A |z|>1 B |z|<1 C real part of z >0 D real part of z <0 Que. 35 The Q of a series RLC ckt is equal to A band width B voltage gain C impedance D resonent frequency Que. 36 The short ckt natural freq. at port 1 is given by 1 1/2 2 o___/\/\/\/\___________________o | | | | | | | \ | ___ / 1/3 ___ 1 ___ \ ___ 2 | / | | | | __|____________|_________|______ A s+5 B 2s+5=0 C s+3/2=0 D s+10=0 Que. 37 To find Z in thevenin's theerem A all independent voltage sources are short ckted and all independent current source are open ckted B all independent voltage sources and dependent current source are open ckted C all independent voltage are open ckted and all independent current sources are short ckted D all voltage are current sources are short ckted Que. 38 open ckt voltage is the potential differance between two points when the impedance between these points is A infinity B rective C 0 D none of these Que. 39 The op-Amp ckt shown in the figure is ______________________ | | | |\ | |___|-\ | | | |-------|>|----|--------V o____________|+/ | | 0 | |/ ideal | | ideal diode | v | op-Amp ___ in_|___ ___ /////// | | o_____o | | A A sample/hold ckt B a rectifier/amplifier ckt C a peak detector ckt D an antilog amplifier ckt Que. 40 If a input to the ckt of fig. in sine wave the output will be I/P ________________|\ |-\ | \___________ o/p | / ________________|+/ |/ A A half wave rectified sine wave B A full wave rectified sine wave C A trangular wave D A squaer wave Post Resume: Click here to Upload your Resume & Apply for Jobs |
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