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Joined: 08Apr2007
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Quote gita Replybullet Topic: Heaps and Heap Sort
    Posted: 08Apr2007 at 11:24pm
7.4 Heaps and Heap sort: A heap is a complete binary tree with the property that the value at each node is atleast as large as the value at its children. The definition of a max heap implies that one of the largest elements is at the root of the heap. If the elements are distinct then the root contains the largest item. A max heap can be implemented using an array an[ ]. To insert an element into the heap, one adds it "at the bottom" of the heap and then compares it with its parent, grandparent, great grandparent and so on, until it is less than or equal to one of these values. Algorithm insert describes this process in detail. Algorithm Insert(a,n) { // Insert a[n] into the heap which is stored in a[1:n-1] I=n; item=a[n]; while( (I>n) and (a[ I!/2 ] < item)) do { a = a[I/2]; I=I/2; } a=item; return (true); }     The figure shows one example of how insert would insert a new value into an existing heap of five elements. It is clear from the algorithm and the figure that the time for insert can vary. In the best case the new elements are correctly positioned initially and no new values need to be rearranged. In the worst case the number of executions of the while loop is proportional to the number of levels in the heap. Thus if there are n elements in the heap, inserting new elements takes O(log n) time in the worst case. To delete the maximum key from the max heap, we use an algorithm called Adjust. Adjust takes as input the array a[ ] and integer I and n. It regards a[1..n] as a complete binary tree. If the subtrees rooted at 2I and 2I+1 are max heaps, then adjust will rearrange elements of a[ ] such that the tree rooted at I is also a max heap. The maximum elements from the max heap a[1..n] can be deleted by deleting the root of the corresponding complete binary tree. The last element of the array, i.e. a[n], is copied to the root, and finally we call Adjust(a,1,n-1). Algorithm Adjust(a,I,n) { j=2I; item=a; while (j<=n) do { if ((j<=n) and (a[j]< a[j+1])) then j=j+1; //compare left and right child and let j be the right //child if ( item >= a) then break; // a position for item is found a[i/2]=a[j]; j=2I; } a[j/2]=item; } Algorithm Delmac(a,n,x) // Delete the maximum from the heap a[1..n] and store it in x { if (n=0) then { write(‘heap is empty"); return (false); } x=a[1]; a[1]=a[n]; Adjust(a,1,n-1); Return(true); }   Note that the worst case run time of adjust is also proportional to the height of the tree. Therefore if there are n elements in the heap, deleting the maximum can be done in O(log n) time. To sort n elements, it suffices to make n insertions followed by n deletions from a heap since insertion and deletion take O(log n) time each in the worst case this sorting algorithm has a complexity of O(n log n). Algorithm sort(a,n) { for i=1 to n do Insert(a,i); for i= n to 1 step –1 do { Delmax(a,i,x); a=x; } }

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