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Joined: 27Mar2007
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Quote vidhya Replybullet Topic: sample paper of mechanical engeering
    Posted: 28Mar2007 at 1:41am
1. The function f(x) = e^x is

(a) Even.
(b) Odd.
(c) Neither even nor odd.
(d) None of the above.

2. Consolidation in soils

(a) is a function of the effective stress.
(b) does not depend on the present stress.
(c) is a function of the pore water pressure.
(d) is a function of the total stress.

3. The slope of the elastic curve at the free end of a cantilever beam of span L, and with flexural rigidity EI, subjected to uniformly distributed load of intensity w is

(a) w(L^3) / 6EI
(b) w(L^3) / 3EI
(c) w(L^4) / 8EI
(d) w(L^3) / 2EI

4. If A, B, C are square matrices of the same order, (ABC)-1 is equal to

(a) C^-1 A^-1 B^-1
(b) C^-1 B^-1 A^-1
(c) A^-1 B^-1 C^-1
(d) A^-1 C^-1 B^-1

5. The BOD removal efficiency, in percentage, during primary treatment, under normal conditions is about

(a) 65%
(b) 85%
(c) 30%
(d) Zero

6. To have zero active pressure intensity at the tip of a wall in cohesive soil, one should apply a uniform surcharge intensity of

(a) 2 c tan a
(b) 2 c cot a
(c) - 2 c tan a
(d) - 2 c tan a

7. Identify the FALSE statement from the following, pertaining to the methods of structural analysis:

(a) Influence lines for stress resultants in beams can be drawn using Miller Breslau’s Principle.
(b) The Moment Distribution Method is a force method of analysis, not a displacement method.
(c) The Principle of Virtual Displacements can be used to establish a condition of equilibrium.
(d) The Substitute Frame Method is not applicable to frames subject to significant sideway.

8. lsopleths are lines on a map through points having equal depth of

(a) Rainfall.
(b) Infiltration.
(c) Evapotranspiration.
(d) Total runoff.

9. Identify the two FALSE statements from the following four statements.

I. The consolidation of soil happens due to the change in total stress.
II. When Standard Penetration Tests are performed in fine sands below the water table, the dilation correction is applied after the overburden correction is applied.
III. Over consolidated clays will have predominantly cohesive strength as compared to the frictional strength.
IV. Compaction of soils is due to expulsion of water.

(a) II & III
(b) I & IV
(c) I & III
(d) II & IV

10. A town has an existing horizontal flow sedimentation tank with an overflow rate of 17 m^3/day, and it is desirable to remove particles that have settling velocity of 0.1 mm/sec. Assuming the tank is an ideal sedimentation tank, the percentage of particles removal is approximately equal to

(a) 30%
(b) 50%
(c) 70%
(d) 90%

11. The following data were obtained from a liquid limit test conducted on a soil sample.

Number of blows: 17, 22, 25, 28, 34
Water content (%): 63.8, 63.1, 61.9, 60.6, 60.5

The liquid limit of the soil is:

(a) 63.1%
(b) 62.8%
(c) 61.9%
(d) 60.6%

12. A Trickling filter is designed to remove:

(a) Settleable Solids.
(b) Colloidal Solids.
(c) Dissolved Organic Matter.
(d) None of the above.

13. In a concrete pavement

I. temperature stress is tensile at bottom during day time.
II. load stress is compressive at bottom.

(a) Both the statements (a) and (b) are correct.
(b) Statement (a) is correct and (b) is wrong.
(c) Statement (b) is wrong and (a) is correct.
(d) Both statements (a) and (b) are incorrect.

14. During a 6 hour storm, the rainfall intensity was 0.8 cm/hour on a catchment of area 8.6 km^2. The measured runoff volume during this period was 2,56,000 m^3. The total rainfall was lost due to infiltration, evaporation, and transpiration (in cm/hour) is

(a) 0.80
(b) 0.304
(c) 0.496
(d) sufficient information not available.

15. The problem of lateral buckling can arise only in those steel beams, which have

(a) moment of inertial about the bending axis larger than the other.
(b) moment of inertial about the bending axis smaller than the other.
(c) fully supported compression flange.
(d) None of the above.

16. A 6-hour Unit Hydrograph (UH) of a catchment is triangular in shape with a total time base of 36 hours and a peak discharge of 18 m 3 /s. The area of the catchment (in sq. km) is

(a) 233
(b) 117
(c) 1.2
(d) sufficient information not available.

17. As per the provisions of IS 456-2000, the (short term) modulus of elasticity of M25 grade concrete (in N/mm^2) can be assumed to be,

(a) 25000
(b) 28500
(c) 30000
(d) 36000

18. A field was supplied water from an irrigation tank at a rate of 120 lit/sec to irrigate an area of 2.5 hectares. The duration of irrigation is 8 hours. It was found that the actual delivery at the field, which is about 4 km from the tank, was 100 lit/sec. The runoff loss in the field was estimated as 800 m^3. The application efficiency in this situation is

(a) 62%
(b) 72%
(c) 76%
(d) 80%

19. The minimum value of CBR (%) required for granular sub-base as per Ministry of Surface Transport (MOST) specification is

(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 15
(d) 20

20. The void ratio and specific gravity of a soil are 0.65 and 2.72 respectively. The degree of saturation (in percent) corresponding to water content of 20% is

(a) 65.3
(b) 20.9
(c) 83.7
(d) 54.4

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