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Topic: Syalubus | |
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Groupie Joined: 27Mar2007 Location: India Online Status: Offline Posts: 48 |
Topic: Syalubus Posted: 28Mar2007 at 12:20am |
BASIC MATHEMATICS: Elements of probability, matrix algebra, numerical methods: interpolation, root finding, differentiation and integration. Discrete mathematics: sets, relations, functions, mathematical induction, counting, groups, graphs, partial orders, lattices and boolean algebra, propostional logic. THEORY OF COMPUTATION: Regular and context free languages, finite state machines and push down automata, turing machines and undecidability. COMPUTER HARDWARE: Logic function, minimization techniques, design of combinational and sequential circuits using gates and flip-flops, design with integrated circuts incuding ROM and multiplexers, microprocessor architecture: programming, interfacing with memory and I/O devices(modes of data transfer and their implementation, serial and parallel communication interface). Detailed knowledge of 8085 microprocessor will be assumed. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION: Number representation and airthmetic, functional organization, machine instructions and addressing modes, ALU, hardwired and microprogrammed control, instrucation pipelining, memory organization, input/output. PROGRAMMING AND DATA STRUCTURE: structured programmming with pascal/C including recursion; arrays, stacks, strings, queues, lists, trees, sets and graphs; algorithm for tree and graphs traversals, connected component, spanning trees, shortest paths; hashing, sorting and searching algorithm design and analysis techniques, big 'oh' notation, solution of sample recurrence relations. LANGUAGE PROCESSOR: Assembler, loader, linker, macroprocessors, text editors, programming languages, scope rules and parameter passing mechanism; compilers lexical analysis, parsing, syntax, directed translation, run time environment, machine code generation; interpreters. OPERATING SYSTEM: Batch, multi-programming and time-sharing systems; processsor, memory, device and file management, virtual memory, process scheduling, interprocess communication, process synchoronization and concurrency, deadlocks, protection. DATABASE SYSTEM: File organization techniques; indexing,B-trees, B-plus trees; relational and network datat models; normal forms; query language: SQL. Post Resume: Click here to Upload your Resume & Apply for Jobs |
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