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Joined: 04Jan2007
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Quote Priya Replybullet Topic: Instrumentation Engg GATE sample paper
    Posted: 05Jan2007 at 3:28pm

1 The measurements of a source voltage are 5.9V, 5.7V and 6.1V. The sample standard deviation of the readings is
A) 0.013 B) 0.04
C) 0.115 D) 0.2

Correct Answer D

2 In an INTEL 8085 microprocessor the ADDRESS-DATA bus and the DATA bus are
A) Non multiplexed B) Multiplexed
C) Duplicated D) Same as CONTROL bus

Correct Answer B

3 The number of comparators required in an 8-bit flash-type AID converter is
A) 256  B) 255
C) (8 + 2)  D) 8

Correct Answer B

4 An ultrasonic beam of frequency 1 MHz and intensity 0.5 W/cm2  passes through a layer of soft tissue of thickness t with an attenuation coefficient of 1.18cm-1.  The ratio of output to input power is 1/e2.  The thickness of the tissue is
A) 1 cm B) 1.695 cm
C) 2.408 cm D) 3.712 cm

Correct Answer B

5 A twisted pair of wires is used for connecting the signal source with the instrumentation amplifier, as it helps reducing
A) the effect of external interference B) the error due to bias currents in the amplifier
C) the loading of the source by the amplifier D) the common mode voltage

Correct Answer C

6 The output from a 633 nm He-Ne laser comes out from the mirror with a beam diameter of lmm and diverges to the far field. It is brought to a focus by a convex lens of focal length of 17 mm. The spot size diameter of the beam at the focal point is
A) 20 m m B) 26 m m
C) 52 m m D) 13 m m

Correct Answer C

7 International temperature scale in the range 0-630oC is defined by means of a
A) mercury pressure spring thermometer B) platinum-platinum.  10% rhodium thermocouple
C) platinum resistance thermometer D) total radiation pyrometer.

Correct Answer D


A microprocessor has an instruction XOR (r1 , r2) which performs an Exclusive OR operation of registers r1,r2 and stores the result in r1. After the following instructions are executed
XOR (r2, r1)

XOR (r1,r2)

XOR (r2,r1)
Which one of the following is true?

A) Content of register r1 is half sum of r1 and r2
B) Content of register r2 is half sum of r1 and r2
C) Contents of registers r1 and r2 remain unaltered D) Contents of registers r1 and r2 are swapped

Correct Answer D

9 A second order feedback system is found to be oscillating with a high frequency.  The oscillations
A) can be reduced by increasing the proportional action B) can be reduced by increasing the integral action
C) can be reduced by increasing the derivative action D) cannot be reduced

Correct Answer B


For a suppressed carrier amplitude modulator (AM-SC) system, the carrier and the modulating inputs are xc (t) = cos wc t and xm (t) = 0.5 sin wm t, respectively. The output of the system is proportional to

A) sin (wc + wm) t – sin (wc - wm) t B) sin (wc  + wm) t  +  cos (wc  -wm) t
C) (1 + 0.5 sin wm  t) cos wc t D) (1- 0.5 sin wm t) cos wc t

Correct Answer B

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