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Joined: 04Jan2007
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Quote Priya Replybullet Topic: Instrumentation Engg GATE sample paper
    Posted: 05Jan2007 at 3:24pm

1 In an 8085 microprocessor, which one of the following is the correct sequence of the machine cycles for the execution of the DCR M instruction?
A) op-code fetch
B) op-code fetch, memory read, memory write
C) op-code fetch memory read
D) op-code fetch memory write, memory write

Correct Answer B



x ®  p/4
sin 2 [x -
x -

A) 0 B)



C) 1 D) 2

Correct Answer D

3 Three DC currents I1, I2 and I3 meet at a node with I1entering and I2 and I3 leaving the node.  I1 and I2 are measured as 100mA and 99 mA with a ± 1% accuracy. Then the value of I3 and the accuracy of I3 are
A) 1 mA ± 2% B) 199 mA ± 2%
C) 1 mA ± 2% D) 1 mA ± 199%

Correct Answer C

4 The input-output characteristic of a Schmidt trigger has a hysteresis band of ± 0.1 V. If the input voltage is 5 sin (1000 pt), the delay between the corresponding zero cross-over points of the output and input signals is
A) 6.37 m B) 0.02 ms
C) 63.7 m D) 2.0 ms

Correct Answer A

5 In a spirit level, 2.5mm of movement of the bubble corresponds to a tilt angle of 25 seconds. The radius of curvature of the tube of the spirit level is
A) 52.1 m B) 34.4 m
C) 26.3 m D) 15.6 m

Correct Answer B

6 The loop transfer function of a system is given by G(S)h(s) = 
10 e-Ls 
.    The phase cross-over frequency is 5 rad/s.  The value of the dead time L is
A) p/20 B) p/10
C) -p/20 D) zero

Correct Answer B

7 An 8-bit microcontroller has an external RAM is the memory map from 8000H to 9FFFH. The number of bytes this RAM can store is
A) 8193  B) 8191
C) 8192  D) 8000

Correct Answer C

8 Two copper-constantan thermocouples are connected such that the two constantan wires are joined together.  The two copper wires are connected to the input of a low noise chopper stabilized differential amplifier having a gain of 1000.  One of the thermocouple junctions is immersed in a flask containing ice and water in equal proportion.  The other thermocouple is at a temperature T.  If the output of the amplifier is 2.050V, the temperature T is
A) 205°C B) 102.5°C
C) 51.25°C D) 50°C

Correct Answer D

9 The vectored address corresponding to the software interrupt command RST7 in 8085 microprocessor is
A) 0017H B) 0027H
C) 0038H D) 0700H

Correct Answer C

10 For a first order instrument a 5% settling time is equal to
A) three times the time constant B) two times the time constant
C) the time constant
D) time required for the output signal to reaches 5% of the final value
Your Answer    (Not Answered)
Correct Answer A

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