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Joined: 04Jan2007
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Quote Priya Replybullet Topic: Problem in test id 2007
    Posted: 15Feb2007 at 10:45am
Q13. consider the following premises
P->Q,Q->not R,R,PV(J^S)
which of the following conclusion is true??

ans is J^S

plz explain..//

Q11. A hash table implementation uses function of(n mod7) and linear probing to resolve collision,what is the ratio of number in the following without collision and with collision if 7 buckets are used?

A.2,5 B.3,4 c.5,2 D.4,3

plz tell me how I proceed???

72. Let 'R' be the relation in natural numbers N={1,2,3,....} defined as "x+2y=10"
Find the range of R
A. {2468}
C {4321}

ans. is C.

in C. if we take y=1 ....them what would be the value of X?? must be 8
but 8 is missing in set this way if we take it the other three no options are fit for the answer..plz. discuss.

question no 38 i think the answer should be B.3(A,BD,E) plz. confirm.

Question number 10.the number of spanning tree of a complete graph(Kn) is n^n-2....plz explain(i think it should be2^n-1)

In i get min cost?
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Joined: 04Jan2007
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Posts: 82
Quote Priya Replybullet Posted: 15Feb2007 at 10:46am

Hii Priya,

    for Q 72:

the relation is xRy..

thus range is all possible values of 'y' for x ={1,2,3...}

so compute values of y considering each value of x..

x y
1 no value possible from N
2 4
3 not possible
4 3
5 not possible
6 2
7 not possible
8 1
9.. not possible

thus range is {4,3,2,1}


I didnt find any comprehensive material for this type of problems..
but here is approch that i follow:

In such a question the only statements true are the one given as premises.
Next, all the statements that can be concluded from premises are true.

As a formula use "Modus Ponens" & "Modus Tollens"

Modus Ponens:
If P->Q
& Q is true
that implise : P is true

Modus tollens:
If ~Q (read Q is false)
& P->Q
that implise : ~P (P is false)

Well now apply these rules to given set of premises:

given : P->Q,Q->~R,R,PV(J^S)

R is true
therefore Q is false

therefore P is false

P V (J^S)
since above premise is true & we just deduced that P is false
therefore J^S must be true.
hence the Answer.

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