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Joined: 08Feb2007
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Quote Smitha Replybullet Topic: 2001- year ME GATE Paper
    Posted: 14Feb2007 at 2:43pm
1.  The Gauss divergence theorem relates certain
 (a)  surface integrals to volume integrals        
 (b)  surface integrals to line integrals  
 (c)  vector quantities to other vector quantities      
 (d)  line integrals to volume integrals
2.  For a spring-loaded roller-follower driven with a disc cam,
 (a)  the  pressure  angle  should  be  larger  during  rise  than  that  during  return  for ease of transmitting motion  
  (b)  the pressure  angle  should be  smaller during  rise than that during  return for ease of transmitting motion  
  (c)  the  pressure  angle  should  be  large  during  rise  as  well  as  during  return  for ease of transmitting motion
  (d)  the pressure angle does not affect the ease of transmitting motion
3.  The  shape  of  the  bending  moment  diagram  for  a  uniform  cantilever  beam carrying a uniformly distributed load over its length is
  (a)  a straight line      (b)  a hyperbola  
  (c)  a ellipse                (d)  a parabola  
4.  A  particle  P  is  projected  from  the  earth  surface  at  latitude  45°  with  escape velocity  v=11.19  km/s.  the velocity  direction  makes  an  angle  a  with  the  local vertical. The particle will escape the earth‘s gravitational field
  (a)  only when a = 0      
 (b)  only when a = 45°
 (c)  only when a = 90°      
 (d)  irrespective of the value of a
5.  Which of the following statement is correct?
 (a)  Flywheel  reduces  speed  fluctuations  during  a  cycle  for  a  constant  load, but
flywheel does not control the mean speed of the engine if the load changes.
  (b)  Flywheel  does  not  reduce  speed  fluctuation  during  a  cycle  for  a  constant
load,  but  flywheel does  not control the mean speed of the engine if the load
  (c)  Governor controls  speed  fluctuations during  a  cycle for  a  constant  load, but
governor does not control the mean speed of the engine if the load changes.
  (d)  Governor controls  speed  fluctuations  during a  cycle for a  constant load, and
governor also control the mean speed of the engine if the load changes.
6.   The SI unit of kinematic viscosity ( ) is
 (a)  m2/sec  (b)  kg/(m-sec)  (c)  m/sec2    (d) m3/sec2
7.  A static fluid can have
 (a)  non-zero normal and shear stress    
 (b)  negative normal stress and zero shear stress  
 (c)  positive normal stress and zero shear stress 
 (d)  zero normal stress and non-zero shear stress
8.  A gas having a negative Joule-Thompson coefficient (  < 0), when throttled, will
 (a)  become cooler      (b)  become warmer  
 (c)  remain at the same temperature  
 (d)  either be cooler or warmer depending on the type of gas
9.  Lumped  heat  transfer  analysis  of  a  solid  object  suddenly  exposed  to  a  fluid medium at a different temperature is valid when 
  (a)  Biot number < 0.1    (b)  Biot number > 0.1 
 (c)  Fourier number < 0.1   (d)  Fourier number > 0.1
10.  The Rateau turbine belongs to the category of
 (a)  pressure compounded turbine  (b)  reaction turbine  
 (c)  velocity compounded turbine  (d)  radial flow turbine
11.  For  the  circular  tube  of  equal  length  and  diameter
 A1shown below, the view factor F13 is 0.17. the view factor
F12 in this case will be  A2 ,
L=D , A3 , D

 (a)  0.17    
 (b)  0.21  
 (c)  0.79  
 (d)  0.83

12.  In  descending  order  of  magnitude, the  thermal conductivity of (a) pure iron,  (b) liquid water, (c) saturated water vapour and (d) aluminum can be arranged as
  (a)  a b c d  (b)  b c a d  (c)  d a b c  (d) d c b a
13.  Shrinkage allowance on pattern is provided to compensate for shrinkage when
 (a)  the temperature of  liquid  metal  drops from pouring to  freezing  temperature
 (b)  the metal changes from liquid to solid state at freezing temperature  
 (c)  the temperature of solid phase drops from freezing to room temperature  
 (d)  the temperature of metal drops from pouring to room temperature
14.  The cutting force in punching and blanking operations mainly depends on
 (a)  the modulus of elasticity of metal  (b)  the shear strength of metal
 (c)  the bulk modulus of metal  (d)  the yield strength of metal
15.  In ECM, the material removal is due to
 (a)  corrosion      (b)  erosion  
 (c)  fusion      (d)  ion displacement
16.  Two  plates of the same metal having equal  thickness  are to be butt welded  with
electric arc. When the plate thickness changes, welding is achieved by  
  (a)  adjusting the current    (b)  adjusting the duration of current
 (c)  changing the electrode size  (d)  changing the electrode coating
17.  Allowance in limits and fits refers to
 (a)  maximum clearance between shaft and hole 
 (b)  minimum clearance between shaft and hole 
 (c)  difference between maximum and minimum size of hole  
 (d)  difference between maximum and minimum size of shaft
18.  Production  flow  analysis  (PFA) is  a  method  of  identifying part families  that uses
data from
  (a)  engineering drawings   (b)  production schedule
 (c)  bill of materials      (d)  route sheets
19.  When using a simple moving average to forecast demand, one would
 (a)  give equal weight to all demand data      
 (b)  assign more weight to the recent demand data
 (c)  include new demand data in the average without discarding the earlier data
 (d)  include new demand data in the average after discarding  some of the earlier
demand data
20.  The  rank of  a 3  ×  3  matrix  C (  =  AB),  found  by multiplying  a non-zero  column matrix A of size 3 × 1 and a non-zero row matrix B of size 1 × 3, is
  (a)  0  (b)  1  (c)  2  (d) 3  
21.  An unbiased coin is tossed  three times. The probability that the head turns up in exactly two cases is
    (a)  1
    (b)  1
    (c)  2
    (d)  3
22.  Two  helical  tensile springs of the same  material  and also  having identical  mean coil  diameter  and  weight,  have  wire  diameters  d  and  .
2d,   The  ratio  of  their stiffness is
  (a)  1  (b)  4  (c)  64  (d) 128

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