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Joined: 08Feb2007
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Quote Smitha Replybullet Topic: 2000- year ME GATE Paper
    Posted: 14Feb2007 at 2:20pm
1.  The three characteristic roots of the following matrix A
      1 2 3
A= 0 2 3
      0 0 2

   (a)  1, 2, 3  (b)  1, 2, 2  (c)  1, 0, 0    (d) 0, 2, 3
2.  Availability of a system at any given state is
 (a)  a property of the system
 (b)  the maximum work obtainable as the system goes to dead  state
 (c)  the total energy of the system
 (d)  the maximum useful work obtainable as the system goes to dead state
 3.  A  steam  turbine  receives  steam  steadily  at  10  bars  with  an  enthalpy  of  3000
kJ/kg and discharges at 1 bar with an enthalpy of 2700 kJ/kg. The work output is
250 kJ/kg. The changes in kinetic and potential energies  are negligible. The heat
transfer from the turbine casing to the surroundings is equal to
  (a)  0 kJ  (b)  50 kJ  (c)  150 kJ  (d) 250 kJ
4.  In a vapour compression refrigeration system, liquid to suction heat exchanger is used to
  (a)  keep the COP constant  
 (b)  prevent the liquid refrigerant from entering the compressor  
(c)  subcool the liquid refrigerant leaving the condensor  
 (d)  subcool the vapour refrigerant from the evaporator
5.  A  steel steam  pipe  10  cm  inner  diameter  and 11  cm  outer  diameter  is  covered
with  an  insulation  having  a  thermal  conductivity  of  1  W/mK.   If  the  convective
heat transfer coefficient between the surface of insulation and the surrounding air
is 8 W/m2 K, the critical radius of insulation is
  (a)  10 cm  (b)  11 cm  (c)  12.5 cm  (d) 15 cm
6.  Which of the following is a pressure compounded turbine?
 (a)  Parsons  (b)  Curtis  (c)  Rateau  (d) all the three
7.  When the speed of a centrifugal pump is doubled, the power required to drive the pump will
  (a)  increase 8 times      (b)  increase 4 times  
 (c)  double      (d)  remain the same
8.  Global warming is caused by
 (a)  ozone      (b)  carbon dioxide  
 (c)  nitrogen      (d)  carbon monoxide
9.   Navier Strokes equation represents the conservation of
 (a)  energy      (b)  mass
 (c)  pressure      (d)  momentum
10.  In  a  bi-axial  stress  problem,  the  stresses  in  x  and  y  directions  are 200
s = and  100  .
s =  the maximum principal stress in MPa, is
y MPa
x MPa
  (a)  50  (b)  100  (c)  150  (d) 200
11.  The  ratio of tension on the tight side to that on the slack side in a flat belt drive
  (a)  proportional to the product of coefficient of friction and lap angle  
 (b)  an exponential function of the product of coefficient of friction and lap angle
 (c)  proportional to the lap angle  
 (d)  proportional to the coefficient of friction
12.  The  natural frequency  of  an  undamped vibrating system is  100 rad/s.  A  damper with  a  damping  factor  of  0.8  is  introduced  into  the  system.  The  frequency  of vibration of the damped system, in rad/s, is 
  (a)  60  (b)  75  (c)  80  (d) 100
13.  A steel shaft ”A‘ of diameter ”d‘ and length ”l‘ is subjected to a torque ”T‘. Anohter shaft  ”B‘  made  of  aluminium  of  the  same  diameter  ”d‘  and  length  0.5  l  is  alsos subjected  to  the  same  torque  ”T‘.  The  shear  modulus  of  steel  is  2.5  times  the shear modulus of aluminium. The shear stress in the steel shaft is 100  MPa. The shear stress in the aluminium shaft, in MPa, is
  (a)  40  (b)  50  (c)  100  (d) 250
14.  A  1.5  kW  motor  is  running  at  1440  rev/min.  It  is  to  be  connected  to  a  stirrer running at 36 rev/min. The gearing arrangement suitable for this application is
  (a)  differential gear      (b)  helical gear  
 (c)  spur gear      (d)  worm gear
15.  A steel wheel of 600 mm diameter rolls on a horizontal steel rail. It carries a load
of  500  N.  The  coefficient  of  rolling  resistance  is  0.3  mm.  The  force  in  N,
necessary to roll the wheel along the rail is
  (a)  0.5  (b)  5  (c)  15  (d) 150
16.  Abrasive material used in grinding wheel selected for grinding ferrous alloys is:
 (a)  silicon carbide      (b)  diamond  
 (c)  aluminium oxide      (d)  boron carbide
17.  Cast steel crankshaft surface is hardened by
 (a)  nitriding      (b)  normalizing
 (c)  carburising       (d)  induction heating
18.  Disposable patterns are made of
 (a)  wood  (b)  rubber  (c)  metal  (d) polystyrene
 19.  Deep hole  drilling  of small diameter, say 0.2 mm is  done with EDM by  selecting
the tool material as  
  (a)  copper wire      (b)  tungsten wire
 (c)  brass wire      (d)  tungsten carbide
20.  In computer aided drafting practice, an arc is defined by
 (a)  two end points only    (b)  center and radius  
 (c)  radius and one end point  (d)  two end points and centre
21.  In  a time study exercise, the time  observed  for  an  activity  was 54  seconds.  The
operator  had a  performance  rating of 120. A  personal time allowance  of  10%  is
given. The standard time for the activity, in seconds, is
  (a)  54  (b)  60.8  (c)  72  (d) 58.32
22.  Cellular manufacturing is suitable for
 (a)  a single product in large volumes      
 (b)  one-off production of several varieties
 (c)  products with similar features made in batches      
 (d)  large variety of products in large volumes.
23.  In  a  manufacturing  plant,  the  probability  of making a  defective  bolt  is  0.1.  The
mean  and  standard  deviation  of  defective  bolts  in  a  total  of  900  bolts  are
  (a)  90 and 9  (b)  9 and 90  (c)  81 and 9  (d) 9 and 81
24.  In  Fig.2.5  if  the  pressure  of  gas  in  bulb  A  is  50  cm  Hg  vacuum  and 76 cm Hg,p = the height of column H is equal to
atm A
  (a)  26 cm  
 (b)  50 cm  
 (c)  76 cm  
 (d)  126 cm

25.  When atmospheric air is heated at constant pressure, its
 (a)  humidity ratio does not change
 (b)  relative humidity increases
 (c)  dew point temperature does not change
 (d)  wet bulb temperature increases

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