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Joined: 08Feb2007
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Quote Smitha Replybullet Topic: 1996-ME GATE Paper
    Posted: 14Feb2007 at 12:31pm

1.  The expression curl  ( )
grad  ,  where
  f is a scalar function, is
  (a)  equal to  2f                (b)  equal to div (grad f)
  (c)  a scalar of zero magnitude  (d)  a vector of zero magnitude
2.  In  the  Gauss  elimination  method  for  solving  a  system  of  linear  algebraic
equations, triangularization leads to 
  (a)  diagonal matrix      (b)  lower triangular matrix
 (c)  upper triangular matrix  (d)  singular matrix
3.  If the  two  principal strains  at a  point  are 1000 ×  10- 6  and  œ600  × 10- 6,  then  the maximum shear strain is

  (a)  6× 800 10-6
  (b)  6× 500 10-6
  (c)  6× 1600 10-6
  (d)  6× 200 10-6
4.  If the  ratio  of  the  diameter  of  rivet hole to  the  pitch of  rivets  is 0.25, then  the
tearing efficiency of the joint is
  (a)  0.50  (b)  0.75  (c)  0.25  (d) 0.87
5.  In thick film hydrodynamic journal bearings, the coefficient of friction
 (a)  increases with increase in load  
 (b)  is independent of load
 (c)  decreases with increase in load  
 (d)  may increase or decrease with increase in load
6.  A ball A of mass m falls under gravity from a height h and strikes another ball B of  mass  m  which  supported  at  rest  on  a  spring  of  stiffness  k.  Assume perfectly elastic impact. Immediately after the impact
  (a)  the velocity of ball A is 2gh   (b)  the velocity of ball A is zero
  (c)  the velocity of both ball is gh   (d)  None of the above
7.  The bolts in a rigid flanged coupling connecting two shafts transmitting power are subjected to
  (a)  shear force and bending moment  (b)  axial force  
 (c)  torsion      (d)  torsion and bending moment
8.  A wheel of mass m and radius r is in accelerated rolling motion without slip under
a steady  axial torque T. If the coefficient  of kinetic friction  is  , the friction force
from the ground on the wheel is:
  (a)   mg      (b)  Tr   
  (c)  zero      (d)  None of the above
9.  In spur gears, the circle on which the involute is generated is called the
 (a)  pitch circle      (b)  clearance circle 
 (c)  base circle      (d)  addendum circle
10.  The specific heats of an ideal gas depend on its 
 (a)  temperature      (b)  pressure
 (c)  volume      (d)  molecular weight and structure
11.  A  cycle  consisting  of  two  reversible  isothermal  processes  and  two  reversible
isobaric processes is known as  
  (a)  Atkinson cycle      (b)  Stirling cycle  
  (c)  Brayton cycle      (d)  Ericsson cycle
12.  In  flow  through  a  pipe,  the  transition  from  laminar  to  turbulent  flow  does  not depend on  
  (a)  velocity of the fluid    (b)  density of the fluid 
  (c)  diameter of the pipe   (d)  length of the pipe

13.  For  a  given  heat  flow  and  for  the  same thickness,  the  temperature  drop across the material will be maximum for
  (a)  copper      (b)  steel  
 (c)  glass-wool      (d)  refractory brick
14.  When wet steam flows through a throttle valve and remains wet at exit 
(a)  its temperature and quality increases  
 (b)  its temperature decreases but quality increases  
 (c)  its temperature increases but quality decreases  
 (d)  its temperature and quality decreases
15.  The rake angle in a drill
 (a)  increases from centre to periphery  
 (b)  decreases from centre to perihery  
 (c)  remains constant 
 (d)  is irrelevant to the drilling operation
16.  Light  impurities  in  the  molten  metal  are  prevented  from  reaching  the  mould cavity by providing a 
  (a)  strainer      (b)  button well
 (c)  skim bob      (d)  all of the above
17.  Preheating before welding is done to
 (a)  make the steel softer      
 (b)  burn away oil, grease, etc., from the plate surface
 (c)  prevent cold cracks      
 (d)  prevent plate distortion
18.  The fit on a hole-shaft system is specified as 117-s6. The type of fit is  
 (a)  clearance fit      (b)  running fit (sliding fit)
 (c)  push fit (transition fit)  (d)  force fit (interference fit)
19.  The iron-carbon diagram an the TTT curves are determined under
 (a)  equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions respectively   
 (b)  non-equilibrium and equilibrium conditions respectively  
 (c)  equilibrium conditions for both   
 (d)  non-equilibrium conditions for both
20.  If  at  the  optimum  in  a  linear  programming  problem,  a  dual  variable corresponding to a particular primal constraint is zero, then it means that
  (a)  right  hand side  of the  primal constraint  can  be altered  without  affecting  the
optimum solution
  (b)  changing the right hand side of the primal constraint will disturb the optimum
  (c)  the objective function is unbounded
 (d)  the problem is degenerate
21.  The  individual  human  variability  in  time  studies  to  determine  the  production standards is taken care of by
  (a)  personal allowances    (b)  work allowances
 (c)  rating factor      (d)  None of the above
22.  A  ball  falls  from  a  height  of  1m,  hits  the  ground  and  rebounds  with  half  its velocity just before impact. Then after rising it falls and hits the ground and again rebounds  with  half  its velocity just  before impact,  and  so  on. The  total distance
traveled by the ball till it comes to rest on the ground is
  (a)  2m  (b)  3 m   (c)  5m
  (d)  4 m 
23.   A solid shaft  can resist a bending moment of 3.0 kNm and a twisting moment  of 4.0 kNm together, then the maximum torque that can be applied is:
  (a)  7.0 kNm  (b)  3.5 kNm  (c)  4.5 kNm  (d) 5.0 kNm

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