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Joined: 08Feb2007
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Posts: 14
    Posted: 08Feb2007 at 5:17pm


Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, Systems of linear equations, Eigen values and eigenvectors.

Calculus: Functions of single variable, Limit, continuity and differentiability, Mean value theorems, Evaluation of definite and improper integrals, Partial derivatives, Total derivative, Maxima and minima, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green's theorems.

Differential equations: First order equations (linear and nonlinear), Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, Initial and boundary value problems, Laplace transforms, Solutions of one dimensional heat and wave equations and Laplace equation.

Complex variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem, Taylor and Laurent series.

Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and sampling theorems, Conditional probability, Mean, median, mode and standard deviation, Random variables, Poisson, Normal and Binomial distributions.

Numerical Methods: Numerical solutions of linear and non-linear algebraic equations Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson's rule, single and multi-step methods for differential equations.


Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials and their applications; effect of strain, strain rate and temperature on mechanical properties of metals and alloys; heat treatment of metals and alloys.

Applied Mechanics: Engineering mechanics - equivalent force systems, free body concepts, equations of equilibrium, virtual work and minimum potential energy; strength of materials- stress, strain and their relationship, Mohr's circle, deflection of beams, bending and shear stress, Euler's theory of columns.

Theory of Machines and Design: Analysis of planar mechanisms, plane cams and followers; governers and fly wheels; design of elements-failure theories; design of bolted, riveted and welded joints; design of shafts, keys, belt drives, brakes and clutches.

Thermal Engineering: Fluid machines - fluid statics, Bernoulli's equation, flow through pipes, equations of continuity and momentum; Thermodynamics - zeroth, First and Second laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic system and processes, calculation of work and heat for systems and control volumes; Heat transfer - fundamentals of conduction, convection and radiation.


Metal Casting: Casting processes; patterns-materials; allowances; moulds and cores - materials, making and testing; melting and founding of cast iron, steels and nonferrous metals and alloys; solidification; design of casting, gating and risering; casting defects and inspection.

Metal working: Stress-strain in elastic and plastic deformation; deformation mechanisms; hot and cold working-forging, rolling, extrusion, wire and tube drawing; sheet metal working; analysis of rolling, forging, extrusion and wire /rod drawing; metal working defects, high energy rate forming processes-explosive, magnetic, electro and electrohydraulic.

Metal Joining Processes: Welding processes - gas shielded metal arc, TIG, MIG, submerged arc, electrosl*g, thermit, resistance, pressure and forge welding; thermal cutting; other joining processes - soldering, brazing, braze welding; welding codes, welding symbols, design of welded joints, defects and inspection; introduction to modern welding processes - friction, ultrasonic, explosive, electron beam, laser and plasma.

Machining and Machine Tool Operations: Machining processes-turning, drilling, boring, milling, shaping, planing, sawing, gear cutting, thread production, broaching, grinding, lapping, honing super finishing; mechanics of cutting- Merchant's analysis, geometry of cutting tools, cutting forces, power requirements; selection of process parameters; tool materials, tool wear and tool life, cutting fluids, machinability; nontraditional machining processes and hybrid processes- EDM, CHM, ECM, USM, LBM, EBM, AJM, PAM AND WJM; economics of machining.

Metrology and Inspection: Limits and fits, linear and angular measurements by mechanical and optical methods, comparators; design of limit gauges; interferometry; measurement of straightness, flatness, roundness, squareness and symmetry; surface finish measurement; inspection of screw threads and gears; alignment testing.

Powder Metallurgy and Processing of Plastics: Production of powders, compaction, sintering; Polymers and composites; injection, compression and blow molding, extrusion, calendaring and thermoforming; molding of composites.

Tool Engineering: Work-holding-location and clamping; principles and methods; design of jigs and fixtures; design of press working tools, forging dies.

Manufacturing Analysis: Sources of errors in manufacturing; process capability; part-print analysis; tolerance analysis in manufacturing and assembly; process planning; parameter selection and comparison of production alternatives; time and cost analysis; Issues in choosing manufacturing technologies and strategies.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Basic concepts of CAD, CAM, CAPP, group technology, NC, CNC, DNC, FMS, Robotics and CIM.


Product Design and Development: Principles of good product design, component and tolerance design; efficiency, quality and cost considerations; product life cycle; standardization, simplification, diversification, value analysis, concurrent engineering.

Engineering Economy and Costing: Financial statements; elementary cost accounting, methods of depreciation; break-even analysis, techniques for evaluation of capital investments.

Work System Design:
Taylor's scientific management, Gilbreths's contributions; productivity concepts and measurements; method study, micro-motion study, principles of motion economy; human factors engineering, ergonomics; work measurement - time study, PMTS, work sampling; job evaluation, merit rating, wage administration, incentive systems; business process reengineering.

Logistics and Facility Design: Facility location factors, evaluation of alternatives, types of plant layout, evaluation; computer aided layout; assembly line balancing; material handling systems; supply chain management.

Production Planning and Inventory Control: Inventory Function costs, classifications - deterministic and probabilistic models; quantity discount; safety stock; inventory control system; Forecasting techniques - causal and time series models, moving average, exponential smoothing; trend and seasonality; aggregate production planning; master scheduling; bill of materials and material requirement planning; order control and flow control, routing, scheduling and priority dispatching; JIT; Kanban PULL systems; bottleneck scheduling and theory of constraints.

Operation Research: Linear programming - problem formulation, simplex method, duality and sensitivity analysis; transportation; assignment; network flow models, constrained optimization and Lagrange multipliers; simple queuing models; dynamic programming; simulation; PERT and CPM, time-cost trade-off, resource leveling.

Quality Control: Taguchi method; design of experiments; quality costs, statistical quality assurance, process control charts, acceptance sampling, zero defects; quality circles, total quality management.

Reliability and Maintenance: Reliability, availability and maintainability; probabilistic failure and repair times; system reliability; preventive maintenance and replacement, TPM.

Management Information System: Value of information; information storage and retrieval system - database and data structures; interactive systems; knowledge based systems.

Intellectual Property System: Definition of intellectual property, importance of IPR; TRIPS, and its implications, WIPO and Global IP structure, and IPS in India; patent, copyright, industrial design and trademark; meanings, rules and procedures, terms, infringements and remedies.

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