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Topic: GATE–Sample Questions-Control System | |
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Groupie Joined: 30Apr2007 Online Status: Offline Posts: 70 |
Topic: GATE–Sample Questions-Control System Posted: 27Nov2007 at 2:40am |
Que. 1 An open loop transfer function, is given by G(s) H(s)=K(s+1)/s(s+2)(s^2+2s+2)
it has A one zero at infinity B two zero at infinity C three zero at infinity D four zero at infinity Que. 2 The principles of homogenity and superposition are applied to A linear time varieant system B non-linear time varieant system C linear time invarieant system D non-linear time invarieant system Que. 3 In the deriative error compensation A damping decreases and settling time decreases B damping increases and settling time increases C damping decreases and settling time increases D damping increases and settling time decreases Que. 4 The lapalace transformation of f(t) is F(s). given F(s)=w/s^2+w^2, the final value of f(t) is A infinity B 0 C 1 D none of the above Que. 5 Natural freq. of a unity feed back control system of transfer function G(s)=10/s(s+1) is A 3.16 rad/s B 0.5 rad/s C 4.6 rad/s D none ofthese Que. 6 The position and acceleration error cofficients for the open loop transfer function G(s)=K/s^2(s+10)(s+100) respictively are A 0 and infinity B infinity and 0 C k/100 and 0 D infinity and k/1000 Que. 7 The position and velocity error cofficients for thesystem of transfer function G(s)=50/(1+.1s)(1+2s) A 0,0 B 0,infinity C 50,0 D 50,infinity Que. 8 A system has the transfer function (1-s)/(1+s) it is known as A low pass system B high pass system C all pass system D none of these Que. 9 The transfer of a system is 10/1+s. when operatedas unity fedback system,the steady state error to a unit step input will be A 0 B 1/11 C 10 D infinity Que. 10 A phase lead compensator has the transfer function G(s)=10(1+0.4s)/(1+0.1s) the maximum phase angle lead provided by this compensator will occure at a freq. wm is equal to A 50 rad/sec B 25 rad/sec C 10 rad/sec D 4 rad/sec Que. 11 Sinusoidal oscillators are A stable B unstable C margin stable D conditionally stable Que. 12 If thegain of the open loop system is doubled, the gain margin A is not affected B gets doubled C becomes half D become one fourth Que. 13 Phase margin of a system is used to specified A relative stability B absolute stability C time response D freq. response Que. 14 The feedback system with charecteristic equation s^4+20Ks^3+5s^2+10s+15=0 A stable for all value of k B stable for +ive value of k C stable for infinity > k > 7 D unstable for all value of k Que. 15 In the above system if a=.1, the steady state error to unity ramp input will be A .16 B .25 C .35 D .49 Que. 16 If the charecteristic equation of a close loop system is 1+k/s(s+1)(s+2)=0,the centroid at the asymptotes in root locus will be A 0 B 2 C -1 D -2 Que. 17 The magnitude freq. response of a control system.the value of w1 and w2 are respectively A 10,200 B 20,200 C 20,400 D 100,400 Que. 18 A control system whose step response is -0.5(1+e^-2t) is cascaded in another control block whose impulse response is e^-t the transfer function of the cascaded combination is A 1/(s+1)(s+2) B 1/s(s+1) C 1/s(s+2) D 0.5/(s+1)(s+2) Que. 19 The error response of a secound order system to a step input is obtained as E(t)=1.66e^-st sin(6t+37degree) the damping ratio is A 0.4 B 0.5 C 0.8 D 1.0 Que. 20 In a linear system an input of 5sin wt produces an output of 10coswt the output corresponding to input 10cos wt will be equal to A +5sinwt B -5sinwt C +20 sinwt D -20 sinwt Que. 21 Signal flow graph is used to find A stability of the system B controllability of the system C transfer function of the system D poles of the system Que. 22 The transfer function of a linear system is the A ratio of the output Vo(t) and input V1(t) B ratio ofthe derivatives of the output and the input C ratio ofthe laplace transform of the output and that of the input with all initial conditions zero D none of these Que. 23 The transfer function of a tachometer is of the form A Ks B K/s C K/s+1 D K/[s(s+1)] Que. 24 consider a unity feedback control system with open-loop transfer function G(s)=K/[s(s+1)] thesteady state error of the system due to a unit step input is A 0 B K C 1/K D infinity Que. 25 The transfer function of a zero order hold system is A (1/s)(1+e^-st) B (1/s)(1-e^-st) C 1-(1/s)e^-st D 1+(1/s)e^-st Que. 26 Consider the feedback control system with loop transfer function G(s)H(s)=K(1+.5s)/s(1+s)(1+2s) A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3 Que. 27 non minimum phase transfer function is defined as the transfer function A which has zeros in right half S plane B which has zeros only in left half S plane C which has poles in right half S plane D which has poles in left half S plane Que. 28 Consider a unity feedback control system with open loop transfer function G(s)= k/[s(s+1)].the steady state error of the system due to a unit step input is A 0 B K C 1/K D infinite Que. 29 The transfer function of a phase lead controller is [1+3Ts]/[1+Ts] the maximum value of phase provided by the controller is A 90 degree B 60 degree C 45 degree D 30 degree Que. 30 A memory system of size 26kbytes is required to be designed using memory chips which have 12 address lines and 4 data lines each. the number of such chips required to design the memory system is A 2 B 4 C 8 D 16 Que. 31 In the Bode plot of a unit feedback control system, the value of the phase of G(jw) at the gain cross over frequency is -125degree the phase margin of the system is A -125 degree B -55 degree C 55 degree D 125 degree Que. 32 the transfer function of a system is [2s^2+6s+5]/[(s+1)^2.(s+2)] the characteristic equation of the system is A 2s^2+6s+5=0 B (s+1)^2(s+2)=0 C 2s^2+6s+5+(s+1)^2(s+2)=0 D 2s^2+6s+5-(s+1)^2(s+2)=0 Que. 33 for the system described by the state equaction |0 1 0| |0| x= |0 0 1|x + |0|u |0.5 1 2| |1| if thecontrol signal u is given by u=[-0.5 -3 -5]x+v, then the value eigenvalues of the closed loop system will be A 0,-1,-2 B 0,-1,-3 C -1,-1,-2 D 0,-1,-1 Que. 34 A system described by the transfer function H(s)=1/[ s^3+as^2+ks+3] is stable. the constraints on a and k are A a>0,ak<3 B a>0,ak>3 C a<0,ak>0 D a>0,ak<0 Que. 35 If a signal f(t) has energy E,the energy of the signal f(2t)= A E B E/2 C 2E D 4E Que. 36 The open loop transfer function of a feed back control system is G(s)H(S)=1/(s+1)^3. The gain margin of the system is A 2 B 4 C 8 D 16 Que. 37 An advantage of memory interlacing is that A a large memory is obtaind B effective speed of the memory is increased C the cost of the memory is reduced D in an voltatile memory is obtained Que. 38 When the root of a charecteristic equation are conjugate and on the imaginary axis, the response is of the type A A sin(wt+beta) B Ae^(o-t) C Ae^-(o-t) D A ln(o-t) Que. 39 A degreereferigerable monoshot is one which A can be triggered only once B has two Quasi-stable states C cannot be triggered untill full pulse has been outonly once D is capable of being triggered while the out put is being Que. 40 Well designed firstorder controll systems have A A -ve time constant B A small band width C A small -ve even value D A large -ve transfer function pole Post Resume: Click here to Upload your Resume & Apply for Jobs |
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