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Groupie ![]() Joined: 30Apr2007 Online Status: Offline Posts: 70 |
![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: 27Nov2007 at 2:37am |
Que. 1 A cascade amplifier stage is equalent to
A a comman emittor stage followed by a common base stage B a comman base stage followed by a common emittor stage C a common base stage followed by an emittor follower D an emittor follower stage followed by a common base stage Que. 2 In order to make Q point independent and varitions B in a transistor amplifier,it is necessary to make A R (b)<< B R(c) B (D)R < or = B R(c) C (D)R(b) < or = B R D R(b) < or = B R(c) Que. 3 Input resistance of a common base transistor ckt is of the order of A 0The output resistance of a common base transistor ckt is of the order of B 50-100 ohm C 100-150 ohm D 150-200 ohm Que. 4 The emitter coupled pair of BJTs gives a linear transfer relation between the differential output voltage and input voltage only when the magnitude of V(id) is less alpha times the thermal voltage, where alpha is A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1 Que. 5 Maximum efficiency of half wave rectifier is A 33.33% B 40.6% C 50% D 68% Que. 6 If the input ac is 10Vrms the maximum voltage that will appear across the diode of a half wave rectifier with a capacitor input filter will be A 10v B 14v C 20v D 28v Que. 7 The three stage cascaded amplifier of identical non-interacting FET common source stage has all over an voltage gain of 1000 and overall bandwidth of 25*10^6rad/sec given g(m) =5mA/v the shunt capacitance of each stage is given by A 20PF B 10PF C 3.2PF D 1.6PF Que. 8 When a +ve gate voltage is applied to MOSFET it is said to operate in A enhancement mode B depletion mode C conduction mode D none of these Que. 9 the tunned ckt for good stability should have A low C B low r C high Q D low L Que. 10 by varying which one of the following the RR feedback oscillator are usually tunned A load impedance B bras C lore D none of these Que. 11 An operational amplifier has a slow rate of 100V/micre sec. for a freq. of 10mhz the maximum value of the sine wave output voltage will be A 100v B 50/(pi)^v C 10v D 5v Que. 12 the number of flipflop required to build a mod-15 counters is A 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 Que. 13 The maximum overall efficiency of a transformer coupled class A amplifier is A 78.5% B 25% C 50% D 85% Que. 14 In an FET as V(GS) is changed from zero to increasing reverse biased the value of g(m) A increases B decreases C remain constant D falls suddenly to zero Que. 15 given for an FET g(m) =95mA/v total capacitance =500pf for a voltage gain of -30 the bandwidth will be A 100khz B 630khz C 3mhz D 19mhz Que. 16 for the resonent ckt shows w =10^5,Q=50,R=400 thevalue of C is given by A 250PF B 1000PF C 500PF D 1.25PF Que. 17 In a class A amplifierusing a transistor under ideal condition the maximum ac power delivered is 1 watt the maximum transistor dissipation capability has to be A 1watt B 2watt C 3watt D 4watt Que. 18 two binary signals A and B are compared the output expression when the two signals are equal is given by A ab' +a'b B ab + (ab)' C (ab)' D ab Que. 19 the most widely used universal gate are A OR and AND gates B NOR and NAND gates C NOR and AND gates D NAND and OR gates Que. 20 the microprocessor contains ROM chip contains? A control function B airthmatic function C instructions to execute data D memory function Que. 21 Carry-look ahead is type ofadder in which A inputs to several stages are examined B carries are produced simultaneously C carries are produced before hand D none of these Que. 22 Logic shift affects A odd positions B all positions C even positions D new positions Que. 23 Programmable logic array uses A ROM matrices B PROM matrices C RAM matrices D solo memory Que. 24 Race condition can be avoided by introducing......... between the flipflop A harmonic suppressor B deacceleration C delay D dusting Que. 25 An amplifier has an open loop gain of 100, an input impadence of 1kohm,and an output impedance of 100ohm.a feedback network with a feedback fector of 0.99 is connected to the amplifier in a voltage series fedback mode the new input and output impedance respectively are A 10 ohm and 1 ohm B 10 ohm and 10 kohm C 100 ohm and 1 ohm D 100 kohm and 1 kohm Que. 26 In a twin wire transmisssion line in the air the adjacent voltage maximum are at 12.5cm and 27.5cm the operating freq. is A 300mhz B 1Ghz C 2Ghz D 6.28Ghz Que. 27 The band width of an N stage tunedamplifire with each stage having a band width of B, is given by A B/n B B/(sqrt)n C B[(sqrt)2^[1/n]-1 D B/[(sqrt)(/2^[1/n]-1] Que. 28 the resolution of a 12-bit D/A convertor using a binary ladder with 10v as the full scale output will be A 2.44mA B 3.50mA C 4.32mA D 5.12mA Que. 29 the number of comparetor ckt requires to build a 3-bit simultaneous A/D convrtor is A 7 B 8 C 15 D 16 Que. 30 A magnetic drum of 8 inches diameter has 100 tracks and storage density of 200bits/inches its storage capacity will be A 502400 bits B 8402 bits C 1004800 bits D 202400 bits Que. 31 the function of inhabit line in a memory in A to write 1 in a core B to read 1 in a core C to write 0 in a core D to stop writing 1 in a core Que. 32 the storage time of transistor is the part of the A turn on time B turn off time C fall time D rise time Que. 33 if the turn on time of a transistor is decreases its turn on time A decreases B increases C is not affected D infinite Que. 34 for an input pulse train of clock period T,the delay produced by an n stage shift resister A (n-1) B 2n C (n+1)T D 2nT Que. 35 If the memory chip size is 256*1 bits,then the member of chips required to make up 1k bytes of memory is A 32 B 24 C 12 D 8 Que. 36 In sign magnitude numbers A the leading bit stands for the sign B the leading bit is part of the magnitude C the leading bit is always zero D the leading bit is always Que. 37 what is dule of X + X'Y =X + Y A X + Y = XY B X' + XY = XY C X(X' + Y) = XY D X'(X + Y) = X + Y Que. 38 The "Pinch off" voltage of a JFET is 0.5 volts. Its "Cut Off" votage is A (0.5)^1/2 v B 2.5 v C 5.0 v D (5.0)^3/2 v Que. 39 four independent message have bandwidth of 100hz, 200hz, and 400hz,respectively each is sampled at the Nyquist rate and the samples are time division multiplexed and transmitted sample rate is A 1600 B 800 C 400 D 200 Que. 40 in the CMOS inventor 1. Both are enchancement Type 2. One transistor is N Channel and the other 3. Both are N Channel with one enchancement and the other depletion type 4. one is enchancement and the other depletion type Of the above 4 statment the only true one are A 4 B 1 and 2 C 1 and 3 D none of these Post Resume: Click here to Upload your Resume & Apply for Jobs |
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